Tenant in our building is a fucking drunk asshole

You sound like a bunch of arrogant, inconsiderate dickheads. Throwing pizza crusts and cigarette butts around? What are you, 12? Have some fucking respect for the place you live in. That dude has probably lived there for 40 years, no wonder he's pissed off when some kids move in and start wrecking the place.

Seriously, between this and the thread where that childish twat got into a pussy-slapping contest over a stripper with some bullshit affiliate network owner, I utterly fucking despair for our planet's future. Why are they like this? Was it a lack of corporal punishment? Please tell me, because if so I'm going to start regularly hitting my kids with a stick just to be safe.

PS In June, you promised a logo to some people who gave you the best advice in a thread. You then PM'd me to tell me something I'd told you was really helpful, and you were going to do me a logo. I'm still waiting. I don't give a shit about the logo, because I'm not even running that business any more, but if you want to build up a rep as a service provider, fulfilling on promises would be a good place to start.

Ok, I'm feeling less fighty this morning, so two things:;

1. OP got in touch with me about the logo, apologised, and offered to make good. In fairness, I'd forgotten about it until I saw this thread and felt like being an asshole.

2. If you really want to mess with the guy, take him a bottle of whisky round (or whatever he drinks) and apologise. I guarantee he won't be expecting it. Make an effort with him, and he'll probably be more tolerant of your noise. You need to stop littering though, that's just out of order.
Ok, I'm feeling less fighty this morning, so two things:;

2. If you really want to mess with the guy, take him a bottle of whisky round (or whatever he drinks) and apologise. I guarantee he won't be expecting it. Make an effort with him, and he'll probably be more tolerant of your noise. You need to stop littering though, that's just out of order.
Belvedere is my preferred drink of choice, but it wont stop me from complaining about those pricks.