Tenant in our building is a fucking drunk asshole

The teenage neighbor kids who live on the street above me threw a subway sandwich on my roof at 3 am one night. That didn't end well for them.

Take heed and respect thy neighbors, even if they are alcoholic senior citizens.

What the fuck? 2/10, would not bang. Looks like an air brushed boy.

And don't shit where you live and respect your neighbours. Especially when they're older than you and clearly have a valid point regarding heathen/s below.
>Complains about us making too much noise.

Simple, stop making so much noise. I know, it is amazing, but when you live in low rent places, sound proofing isn't perfect, and 'wild parties' where you and other lonely gay webmasters act as if you are in a Playboy mansion party are just an insult to the other poor people who have to live there.

>Complains about us throwing our cigarette butts on the roof of the business below us.

So you are littering and then you get angry when asked to stop? What a schmuck.

>Complained about my housemate throwing a pizza crust on the roof of the business below us.

Ditto my last point. You do know there is a thing called a 'trash bin'? People can rise above ghetto living standards where trash is thrown out the window ala 1600s. It is possible. Try it. Maybe you won't piss off other people if you do.

>He just lives here, thinks he's top shit or something.

It sounds like you feel entitled to disturb other individuals and get away without so much as a complaint. Fuck you.
While jumping, hold hands with the two friends who threw shit off your balcony for added impact.

Pun intended.
you should really just go along and give the OP retarded ideas and hope he has the balls to follow trough and make an idiot of himself
Can you at least let us know what city you live in? I need to set up the G alert for "senior citizen teaches asshole neighbors a lesson: Throws malcontents out window onto dentist's roof." I'm looking forward to reading the clip.

Also stop being an asshole and take a little pride in where you live. You're lucky he hasn't just said fuck it and ratted your trashy ass out to the dentist. Cigarettes thrown on a roof are a fucking fire hazard and I'm sure the dentist would be more than willing to call the police on your ass to put a stop to it.
Why do so many smokers feel that they can just throw their cigarettes anywhere? The people above me in a previous apartment constantly dropped them off their balcony into the plants/landscaping below. I see them thrown out car windows all the time, one flew in my car when the top was down and left a burn mark.
Don't be passive aggressive about it. Kick in his door at 2 am and gang rape him wearing gorilla masks or a mask of president Nixon which ever gets you off more.