Tenant in our building is a fucking drunk asshole


Brb, gym.
Aug 20, 2010
South Australia
Old guy who lives above is a drunk old faggot.

>Complains about us making too much noise.
>Complains about us throwing our cigarette butts on the roof of the business below us.
>Complained about my housemate throwing a pizza crust on the roof of the business below us.
>He just lives here, thinks he's top shit or something.

We got really pissed off tonight and did some shit to piss him off.

TL;DR: Need ideas to piss off the 65 year old drunk who lives above even more than we already are.

Give me the best ideas you have.





Take a crap and put in an envelope and in his mailbox.

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How about you be nice to people and stop trying to cause problems? FOr all we know, that neighbor could be Jeffrey, who is a respectable drunk.
man if you put vasoline or some clear jell shit on his door nob it will really fuck him up. He won't be able to guess what it is for a long time. Just do it like 4 times a week. Use other shit if you want. peanut butter, bengay, icy hot any oil, wd 40. there is alot of shit you could use for it. About the 3rd week of sticking his hands on weird shit... I doubt it will last 3 weeks acutally
We make no more noise than anyone else in our apartment complex.

Also, the roof the cigarette butts are thrown on belongs to a fucking dentist, not the drunk faggot upstairs, who's just looking for any reason to file a complaint with the strata board.

My housemates now have a can to put their cigarette butts in so the old fucker can stop complaining about it.

I didn't create this thread to ask you gay webmasters if it was morally right or wrong to throw cigarette butts on the roof of a business, I asked for ideas of how to piss off some annoying old drunk faggot.

Here, have more tits:





put a piece of saran wrap coated with cooking spray across the opening to his door at head height. If you're evil rig a bucket of water over the door, harder since it will open inward.
We make no more noise than anyone else in our apartment complex.

Also, the roof the cigarette butts are thrown on belongs to a fucking dentist, not the drunk faggot upstairs, who's just looking for any reason to file a complaint with the strata board.

My housemates now have a can to put their cigarette butts in so the old fucker can stop complaining about it.

I didn't create this thread to ask you gay webmasters if it was morally right or wrong to throw cigarette butts on the roof of a business, I asked for ideas of how to piss off some annoying old drunk faggot.

Don't give a shit who the roof belongs to, it's not cool. You should have had a can / ashtray to put shit in from the beginning.

The very fact you were throwing them out the window onto the roof downstairs says a lot about the amount of respect you guys give the people around you, and therefore it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the old drunk dude gets pissed off regularly and is out to get you.

Whatever, anyway. I'm sure plenty of WF faggots will be checking in to give you shitty tips to get back at some old man in a passive aggressive fashion. Of course, getting back at him is definitely the way to ensure that he doesn't keep complaining to the strata board.

If it were me, I'd go over there, give him a bottle of nice wine, apologise, say you weren't throwing cigarette buts out the window anymore, and say that it won't happen again.

He'll likely be far more lenient on you making a bit of noise on occasion and shit then, and in the long run it'll work out a whole lot better for you.
The OP isn't a peasant, but a piece of trash.

You sound classless and your building sounds like it belongs on a 1990's episode of Cops.
If you acted like a dipshit where I lived you would hear the same shit. Respect the space where people live.
Don't give a shit who the roof belongs to, it's not cool. You should have had a can / ashtray to put shit in from the beginning.

The very fact you were throwing them out the window onto the roof downstairs says a lot about the amount of respect you guys give the people around you, and therefore it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the old drunk dude gets pissed off regularly and is out to get you.

Whatever, anyway. I'm sure plenty of WF faggots will be checking in to give you shitty tips to get back at some old man in a passive aggressive fashion. Of course, getting back at him is definitely the way to ensure that he doesn't keep complaining to the strata board.

If it were me, I'd go over there, give him a bottle of nice wine, apologise, say you weren't throwing cigarette buts out the window anymore, and say that it won't happen again.

He'll likely be far more lenient on you making a bit of noise on occasion and shit then, and in the long run it'll work out a whole lot better for you.

This. As easy as it is to be a prick, you'll gain more credibility and lenience if you just man up, apologize, and try and make it right. If you go that route and he's still a stupid prick, game on.
I'd be pissed off if I was paying my money to live somewhere and some lil young snot nosed wet behind the ears punk kids came in and started getting loud with their jungle music and throwing trash everywhere too.

"He doesn't even own the building. A dentist owns the building!"

Nigga do YOU own the building? Grow up.