Ten bucks SEO v3 - must see SEO link packs! Fast delivery guaranteed!

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All orders are out once again - just a few more days left until Christmas, PM or email me if you want to place a new order.
Great Job

Hi tt9999,

I received the last report - great work again.
Brief Review
I was only going to order 1 or 2 packs from tt9999 but the turnaround was so fast with clean/clear reports,
I ended up ordering about 10 (different packs for different pages).

Speed/Turnaround: Great
Communication: Great
Reports: Great

Some of the inner pages (easier keywords) are on Page 1 in the big G

For a $10 service this is really good :)
Hi tt9999,

I received the last report - great work again.
Brief Review
I was only going to order 1 or 2 packs from tt9999 but the turnaround was so fast with clean/clear reports,
I ended up ordering about 10 (different packs for different pages).

Speed/Turnaround: Great
Communication: Great
Reports: Great

Some of the inner pages (easier keywords) are on Page 1 in the big G

For a $10 service this is really good :)

Thank you - I appreciate you taking the time to post in the thread!!!

Quick note to everyone - I will be away for Christmas. If you place your orders in the next few days, I will start working on them on Monday.

Happy Holidays
I am back from my holiday break - if you want to place an order, go ahead and PM me or email me.

EricVorheese - please check your PM and come back to me, so I can start working on your orders.

Thank you

I ordered Pack 2 and the turnaround time was really fast. He delivered 71 links all of which were live. Only downside is that some sites have been deindexed by google but are still indexed by bing and yahoo which will help with those SERPs.

Overall, the prices are cheap and the service is fast. Even though some of the sites aren't indexed in google the price is still worth it.

I ordered Pack 2 and the turnaround time was really fast. He delivered 71 links all of which were live. Only downside is that some sites have been deindexed by google but are still indexed by bing and yahoo which will help with those SERPs.

Overall, the prices are cheap and the service is fast. Even though some of the sites aren't indexed in google the price is still worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to post in the thread.

All orders are out once again - please note that I will be away for a few days. I will start working on the orders that are placed from now on when I come back on the 2nd.

Happy Holidays!
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