Summer Stock-Picking Contest

You guys keep this up and I'll be forced to make a new section for stock investments and put Mr. Poopie in charge...

You guys keep this up and I'll be forced to make a new section for stock investments and put Mr. Poopie in charge...

Yes please, I'd love to see that.

He can then proceed to tell most people how ignorant they are, and go all galacon on them, but with more eloquence.

I'd watch that for the entertainment value alone.

Plus, it would give you some people to advertise binary stuff and such; great CPAs on that if you can get them to actually pay if only with a 50% shave. Although I'm sure you could force them into a media buy instead. Plus you can get sub affiliate moneys from those who are wolves.

You could fleece the sheep AND tell them they are stupid. It would be glorious I tells ya; like eating your cake and having it too!
Yes please, I'd love to see that.

He can then proceed to tell most people how ignorant they are, and go all galacon on them, but with more eloquence.

I'd watch that for the entertainment value alone.

Plus, it would give you some people to advertise binary stuff and such; great CPAs on that if you can get them to actually pay if only with a 50% shave. Although I'm sure you could force them into a media buy instead. Plus you can get sub affiliate moneys from those who are wolves.

You could fleece the sheep AND tell them they are stupid. It would be glorious I tells ya; like eating your cake and having it too!

Hey greenleaves, I thought you had me on ignore. You know, 'cause at one point in time you didn't like me or something.

But now that you are back reading my posts , I guess I will post more often.

Because I desperately crave your approval.
I had my assistant plug in all the picks into a CNN money portfolio in the first week of July and so far the big winner is Glu Mobile Inc (NASDAQ:GLUU) moving from $5 to $7 and the big loser is King Digital Entertainment PLC (NYSE:KING) down to $19.46 from $21.46 at the beginning of July.

Everthing else is +/- 3%

That's about it for the big movers. Hopefully we will see some higher volatility in August or my assistant will be grinding out the small differences between the picks and cursing me under her breath (well she does that anyways but..).

Considering the only person who was long GLUU was also long KING, what are the standings so far? Is there some program to calculate all of this (so you don't have to spend time manually calculating the price differences, dividend payouts, etc.)?
Considering the only person who was long GLUU was also long KING, what are the standings so far? Is there some program to calculate all of this (so you don't have to spend time manually calculating the price differences, dividend payouts, etc.)?

You actually raise a good point. AFTER announcing the contest and putting up the $50, I THEN thought it would be a good idea to find a free online tool that where I could input all the picks and the date of purchase and it would give me the percentage gain (or loss) from time of purchase.

Haven't found it yet. Neither did my assistant even though it I gave half a damn day to tool through the internet looking for one.

The best we found is the CNN money tool which is sorta meh.

Yes, I'm some sorta of fucking genius for not thinking ahead of time. Thank you please add more tags at the bottom.

At the end of the contest, if none of these picks take off, it's me with a calculator sweating over small percentages and probably giving the $50 to the wrong guy because I missed a dividend payment somewhere or something.

On the other hand, right now it looks like one solid winner will be enough to take it.
You actually raise a good point. AFTER announcing the contest and putting up the $50, I THEN thought it would be a good idea to find a free online tool that where I could input all the picks and the date of purchase and it would give me the percentage gain (or loss) from time of purchase.
Doesn't Google Portfolio do that? It's been a while since using it, so I may be wrong.
Doesn't Google Portfolio do that? It's been a while since using it, so I may be wrong.

Yep but I need a tool that would allow me to group the picks according to the name of the stock-picker.

You know Fred has Apple, Google and Tesla, while Mary picked IBM, Ford and whatever.

So I need multiple portfolios in one account.

I will have to play around with the google or yahoo tools to see if I can do that. but I'm on vacation right now.
Yep but I need a tool that would allow me to group the picks according to the name of the stock-picker.

You know Fred has Apple, Google and Tesla, while Mary picked IBM, Ford and whatever.

So I need multiple portfolios in one account.

I will have to play around with the google or yahoo tools to see if I can do that. but I'm on vacation right now.
How about adding them all, then having an excel spreadsheet of the members with their picks? When you want to check performance, you paste in the values from Google portfolio, and perform a vlookup on them to grab the gains for each member, sum them, done.

EDIT: actually, one problem is if people picked stocks on different dates - however, shouldn't be too much variance over that period of time, close winners can be manually checked.
These are my picks. Pick 3:
Nice picks. I think you might be winning.

What was your reasoning for picking KMP?

Yeah confirming Cardine is the front-runner, KMP is up more than 10% since July long weekend and KING
is down a quarter.

Impressive to lead in the long and short category.
Some nice picks on this thread...wish I would have jumped in back when it started. I'm no mGrunin (then again, who is?), but I would recommend buying VHC if you have a little extra $$ to invest. It is looking more and more like they are going to win a HUGE case against AAPL any day now, and when that happens, the stock is projected to instantly double or possibly even triple. Some even think it will reach $100 a share shortly after the decision is announced.

Buy some VHC so you have extra money for CEO Sam's new BST. Now back to your regularly scheduled WF drama...
Some nice picks on this thread...wish I would have jumped in back when it started. I'm no mGrunin (then again, who is?), but I would recommend buying VHC if you have a little extra $$ to invest. It is looking more and more like they are going to win a HUGE case against AAPL any day now, and when that happens, the stock is projected to instantly double or possibly even triple. Some even think it will reach $100 a share shortly after the decision is announced.

Buy some VHC so you have extra money for CEO Sam's new BST. Now back to your regularly scheduled WF drama...

Or short it...