Summer Stock-Picking Contest


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Okay, with all the drama here lately about stock-picking, let's see if anybody here actually, you know, researches stocks and has a fucking clue.

I will pick three stocks that I think will do well over the summer. You, if you choose to enter the contest will pick three stocks as well.

The companies selected must have a market cap of $100 million US or greater. They must be listed on any of the North American markets (NYSE, NASDAQ, TSX, TSXv). Pink sheets are okay as long as they are real companies ie market cap greater than $100 million.

On September 3rd, whoever has picked the 3 best performing stocks wins the contest, as measured by percentage increase in stock price.

I pay the winner of the contest $50 in bitcoin. The winner must post the bitcoin wallet address to the forum, and then I will transfer bitcoin to that address and post screensnapshot tot the forum.

If three other forum members agree to enter the contest, then we can start tomorrow (July 4th).


Do not buy any of the stocks that I pick because if you make money, I don't get a cut if your profit and if you lose money, you will get butthurt at me.

Do not PM for stock picks or any financial advice as I am not a financial advisor. If you PM for financial advice, I will assume you are a troll from the SEC.

If you are a penny-pumper, please fuck off now. If by some miracle, that piece of shit stock that you are promoting has passed the $100 million cap, I will let it stand in the contest but I will shit over it and invite other forum members to do the same.


Inb4 bitcoin
Inb4 grunin mentioned multiple times
Inb4 every tech pick ever
Inb4 people make billions by following benjis picks
I got an idea, how about we make a paper trading account full of all the stock picks in this thread and see how much money it loses?
CBI is going to destroy it.

I have a lot of legal insider information on it. Come back to this post in 2015 and it will be 90-100 by then.
MM.TO - spent most of the past year above 100m, close enough at 96m atm? If not, TSLA.


This is not financial advice. I have no positions in the above stocks. I have never sold a Facebook account.
I think etfs and shorts should be allowed, but leveraged etfs should not be allowed.

It would probably be really easy to win by picking 3 ultra long or ultra short funds.
I think etfs and shorts should be allowed, but leveraged etfs should not be allowed.

It would probably be really easy to win by picking 3 ultra long or ultra short funds.

Okay, okay, ETFs allowed.

Shorts allowed.

I have no fucking idea about Hong Kong stocks or the European markets and since it's my $50, what I say goes.

But depending on how this thread develops, maybe we can do another contest with wider parameters.
ETFs, Pink Sheets etc ... These guys must be speaking in a code language!!

Being a Stock noob that's what I thought to myself.