Subway sued over short footlongs

The lady in the MCDonalds case had 3rd degree burns to the bone and spent 8 days in the hospital. She asked for help with the medical bills. MCDonald's refused in spite of having settled many similar cases before hers. They could have paid it, signed non disclosure and been done with it.

I thought for years that the McDonalds case was an example of some greedy fuck customer looking for a quick payday until I saw the pictures (you've been warned):


Yeah, that was some pretty hot fucking coffee.
These guys are smart and will make money. Companies should always deliver what they promise. Problem is a lot of franchises don't always follow strict company standards like measuring the sub for 12 inches, now they will
Watched American Beauty aged 19. Gave manager at call center the finger. Got job at Subway. I look back now and it was pure awesome for all the wrong reasons.