Subway sued over short footlongs

I'm thinking of making a list of all of the obvious new evidence of Value Deflation that US citizens have to put up with everyday... It's getting ridiculous!

I'm thinking of making a list of all of the obvious new evidence of Value Deflation that US citizens have to put up with everyday... It's getting ridiculous!

the price of commodities is going up across the board. fast food places will be the first to cut quality (hard to do without falling below prison food standards) rather than raise prices and scare off those too lazy to read a basic primer on how to cook basic and simple food economically.
y u webmasters so gay about footlongs.

[ame=]5 Dollar Foot Long - YouTube[/ame]
Over a 10 year period McDonald's had received a number of complaints (over 700) of people being burn victims. They kept their coffee at a temperature that was much hotter than it needed to be.

A little research into these kinds of things can show that in fact some of them aren't as ridiculous as they sound.

When you serve more than a million cups of coffee a day, 700 complaints over a 10 year period becomes quite insignificant. Coffee (and tea for that matter) is meant to be hot, and is made with boiling or near boiling water. When it's not hot enough, people complain about that too.

From the National Coffee Association's website...

"Water Temperature During Brewing

Your brewer should maintain a water temperature between 195 - 205 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal extraction. Colder water will result in flat, underextracted coffee while water that is too hot will also cause a loss of quality in the taste of the coffee. If you are brewing the coffee manually, let the water come to a full boil, but do not overboil. Turn off the heat source and allow the water to rest a minute before pouring it over the grounds."


"Brewed coffee should be enjoyed immediately!

Pour it into a warmed mug or coffee cup so that it will maintain its temperature as long as possible. Brewed coffee begins to lose its optimal taste moments after brewing so only brew as much coffee as will be consumed immediately. If it will be a few minutes before it will be served, the temperature should be maintained at 180 - 185 degrees Fahrenheit."

Emphasis is mine. Anything less than the above results in an inferior cup of coffee. Restaurateurs striving for the best results are therefore going to be serving HOT coffee.

Read the facts about this case and others like and you will see that it is completely ridiculous.
They say footlong, they don't say 12 inches... Footlong could mean several things... My foot isn't exactly 12 inches!

Sure an actual foot is 12 inches, but they aren't explicitly saying that! Of course subway will probably settle anyhow. Fucking ridiculous shit!
Over a 10 year period McDonald's had received a number of complaints (over 700) of people being burn victims. They kept their coffee at a temperature that was much hotter than it needed to be.

A little research into these kinds of things can show that in fact some of them aren't as ridiculous as they sound.

All that proves is there's alot of people out there who complain too much about nothing. If I grab a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons in the morning, I know not to put that near my crotch. Most other people seem to know this too. And if I'm dumb enough to spill it all over myself, I'm not going to get angry at Tim Hortons because I have a burnt dick.

Same as I know during summer, if I drink a slush really quickly, I might get a brain freeze. Or during the winter, I shouldn't stick my tongue on metal objects that are frozen.

Coffee is hot. That's one of those common sense things most people know. Besides, who here makes coffee at home that isn't hot enough to burn them when it's just finished?
Too short;didn't eat.

It's 11 inches of garbage. They should be sued for calling themselves fresh.


After they stopped cutting their bun from the top, I never went back. Good thing too.

Full report here

They say footlong, they don't say 12 inches... Footlong could mean several things... My foot isn't exactly 12 inches!

Sure an actual foot is 12 inches, but they aren't explicitly saying that! Of course subway will probably settle anyhow. Fucking ridiculous shit!

Yerp, fuck me. mericans retarded measurements, like they'd know a foot from a hand.
What you idiots fail to understand is things in the restaurant world aren't perfect. Every restaurant I've managed does not serve 100% exactly what you are suppose to get. Generally speaking your are served less because the portions should be less than what the specs call for to make up for waste in your food cost at end of week. Kind of shady? Yup, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get your numbers in line. I've never once see corporate food loss numbers that I thought where realistic, so everyone cheats their ass off in a number of ways.

How much is 1 inch of sub in total food cost? Probably all of a few cents, as the meat, and cheese, which are the expensive parts are already pre-portioned. BTW the initial stories that came out had it at like .5 inch under, and that is well within reason of baking bread.

So go ahead, cry about a little less shitty shredded lettuce. Subway subs, despite their healthy adverts, is nothing bunch of processed garbage anyways. Cold cuts and processed chicken, oh yum!

so you run shebangs?

do you think it's ok to not deliver on a service or product you advertised?

if someone were to voice dissatisfaction with your disservice, would they be an 'idiot'?
if someone were to voice dissatisfaction with your disservice, would they be an 'idiot'?

Are you a soccer fan -> yes -> Yes you're an idiot
-> no -> Yes you're an idiot

You apparently aren't familiar with our resident angry man.
All that proves is there's alot of people out there who complain too much about nothing. If I grab a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons in the morning, I know not to put that near my crotch. Most other people seem to know this too. And if I'm dumb enough to spill it all over myself, I'm not going to get angry at Tim Hortons because I have a burnt dick.

Same as I know during summer, if I drink a slush really quickly, I might get a brain freeze. Or during the winter, I shouldn't stick my tongue on metal objects that are frozen.

Coffee is hot. That's one of those common sense things most people know. Besides, who here makes coffee at home that isn't hot enough to burn them when it's just finished?

Yeah, its hot. People know this, but they do not expect the burns to be 3rd degree and put them in the hospital for 8 days.

So if you spill the coffee and it burns your member to the core and you spend 8 days in the hospital and are permanently disfigured, you wont ask them to help with the medical bills? I doubt it, these days most people would be more than happy to let a Lawyer take it up on their behalf, but that's not even what the lady did.

The lady in the MCDonalds case had 3rd degree burns to the bone and spent 8 days in the hospital. She asked for help with the medical bills. MCDonald's refused in spite of having settled many similar cases before hers. They could have paid it, signed non disclosure and been done with it.

The Jury awarded the $M+ as punitive damages because McDonalds refused had shown a pattern of indifference to their customers.