Stolen Content - Vengeance

While writing the takedown notice, it seems that despite my site being over a year old, for whatever reason, it doesn't appear in What should I do for filing in that case, as it seems my original content is no longer online?
While writing the takedown notice, it seems that despite my site being over a year old, for whatever reason, it doesn't appear in What should I do for filing in that case, as it seems my original content is no longer online?
Upload it to
Upload it to

Thanks. Seems worth a shot. He's got 3 paragraphs we still use stolen directly, and a lot of images with the exact same filename, so hopefully that's enough. Judging from the numerous terrible spelling mistakes and code errors on the small portion of the site he didn't copy directly, I'm assuming he's not sophisticated enough to actually fight back against something like this
So, to summarize, you should suck ilovenickicakes's balls, call the cyberpolice, and then poop ya colla, you can't lose, good luck bro.
If he's not hurting your bottom line, then take it as imitation is the best form of flattery, and get back to work. :)
murder his family.

and then challenge him to a chili cook off, where he will eat chili made from the meat of his late family members.
