clyde, the schedule still have a bug? I know you said dont shut off, well I did and it remembered the campaign but the clock had not counted down. Only thing it had was the froze clock and the stop button . I click the stop button and it crashed. I can restart and go to campaigns and it is still there press stop button, crash. I set up another campaign to test again shut down, clock stops on restart , click stop button and it crashes. Just a heads up .
I love the shoftware and will just keep it on as its nice an easy.
Feature(s) suggestion -
I'd like to be able to tie keywords to URLS
For example I want specific keywords only to go to 1 URL
Now, I can create a separate project for this, but in my case I need like 20 separate projects which is simply a pain in the ass.
On top of that, every project posts to the same site in the same order. So if I drip them at say 25/day, they all go to the same 25 sites (on all 20 projects).
I'm just looking for a system that has more flexibility in this regard I guess. Don't get me wrong. The software is nice. There is a lot of "stupid" work that is removed so I can get down to it. You've also done a good job updating it since the first release. There were updates almost daily for a while. I just wish the above issues could be handled in an easier fashion.
I wouldn't mind the posting to the same sites for each project if I could bind URLs to Keywords. I would just build different users for each project and that would more or less solve it. As a developer I know that having an option to shuffle bookmarking sites wouldn't be too hard though.
Perhaps a simple vs advance project management deal. That would maintain your "simple" interface for idiots and an advanced one for people who want a high level of control with it.
[ {keyword1|keyword2|keyword3}]
[ {keyword4|keyword5|keyword6}]
{[ {keyword1|keyword2|keyword3}]|[ {keyword4|keyword5|keyword6}]}
Why once I click the Add to cart button and it's redirect me back to this threat ?
Why once I click the Add to cart button and it's redirect me back to this threat ?