Steve Jobs - Now counting his days [News]

Sorry to hear that. Makes you stop and think about whats important.

I hate to say it but with apple at $360 the free fall is coming, its time to load up on Option contracts. Mark your calenders stock will drop like a rock as this situation continues
I hate to say it but with apple at $360 the free fall is coming, its time to load up on Option contracts. Mark your calenders stock will drop like a rock as this situation continues
free fall? what do you mean? this market is going up forever!
If this is true, you will see that stock lose at least $50 a share if not more. The whole world thinks this guy is solely responsible for Apples success and when you take that out that means stock is going to crash. I wouldn't be shocked if that stock gave back a $100 a share. I am not going to miss some easy cash with this situation. I will eat my words ( and some cash) if this stock isn't under $300 in 6 weeks or less
London, Feb 17 (IANS) Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs has terminal pancreatic cancer and may live for just six more weeks, a media report said Thursday.

Now, new pictures have been published in the tabloid National Enquirer, which suggest things may be worse for the the man behind the iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Their sources are a non-cited "media report" and the National Enquirer. Forgive me if I don't hold my breath.
God has been answering our prayers ... I wish we all pray for Steve Jobs.

I'm praying for his death, and hope he burns in hell, among with his faggot fan boys.

Since he's a self proclaimed Buddhist, I'm sure he'll reincarnate as a goat born somewhere in Afghanistan, where he'll get daily fornication from bored farmers.

Fuck Apple. They don't innovate technology - they copy and steal.
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If it is pancreatic cancer, it's pretty much a death sentence. That form of cancer doesn't get beaten yet.

Haven't read anywhere else what type he has though.
Who gives a fuck if he dies.

This guy preached every time he could about how his values were the best (no porn and shit).

Too bad cancer caught you mr jobs.

And pray more, it will surely help him.
Who gives a fuck if he dies.

This guy preached every time he could about how his values were the best (no porn and shit).

Too bad cancer caught you mr jobs.

And pray more, it will surely help him.
You are a real piece of crap for that ignorance you just spewed. Just hope cancer doesn't catch you.
Who gives a fuck if he dies.

This guy preached every time he could about how his values were the best (no porn and shit).

Too bad cancer caught you mr jobs.

And pray more, it will surely help him.
second this. i think apple and jobs are at least partly responsible for the pussification of america.
In your opinion which MSM company is less equal than the others?
Well, I said not all non MSM companies were created equal. But whatever.

XMCP's Lovely "Quality News" Tiers

Top Tier: BBC, CBC, Al-Jazeera English(AJ Arabic doesn't qualify), Foreign Policy
Upper Mid: Financial Times, Guardian, NYTimes, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor
Mid Tier: Washington Post, Time, Newsweek
Lower-Mid: CBS, ABC, CNN, LA Times, JPost
Low Tier: MSNBC, Sun
Newsertainment: Fox, Enquirer, Daily Mail, wherever the fuck this came from
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