Steve Jobs got a Google employee fired, and then smiled

Silicon Valley currently has the highest rates of autism in world history due to tech genes.

Can't expect these fuckers to be empathetic.

I thought you were bullshitting so I just went and searched this... interesting.

Steve Jobs could have faked his death and spent the past several years drowning puppies and fucking newborns and I wouldn't give two shits so long as Samsung and Google keeps pumping out awesome products that make my life easier.

Is that what you meant
Speaking of Jobs, press your finger really hard into the middle of this picture, you'll shit bricks when you see what it turns into:

I thought there would be some sort of redemption at the end. There really wasn't. Really quite sad.

You sure about that brah?

The guys died from being an idiot on how he treated his cancer.

Welcoming death before your time is redemption in my eyes.
steve jobs has more balls, brains and creativity in the jiz he jacked off into the toilet than half this thread combined. im not a mac fanboy but I enjoy my android, OOP programming and web servers. Steve jobs was ground floor on that shit. They edged him out of computers and he revolutionized motion picture animation.

eat more dicks, maybe you'll get less jealous