starting gym tommorow after 1 year break any tips?

Grats on going back to the gym dude.. not enough people do.

Don't buy into all the extraneous gym crap. You don't -need- 24 supplements and raw chicken breasts for breakfast lunch and dinner + vitamins to see results. When I was a teen all I ever did was the occasional group of situps and pushups and I to this day have abs like twisted steel.

However, if you can, get some whey protein. Mix it up with some COLD milk and a little bit of sugar in whatever bottle you have (I use a lucozade bottle because I like lucozade and have dozens of empty ones in my house). And VOILA, cheap delicious protein shake. Protein shakes are great to drink when you're hungry in the middle of the night, before and after your workout. When you wake up in the morning after using a protein shake you can literally feel the difference.

CARDIO IS THE FUCKING BEST. The longer you can do whatever it is you're doing without your entire body collapsing the more results you're going to see from it. Duh.

More Reps =/= More Gains, that doesn't mean push past your limit but that also doesn't mean trying to do stupid things. You know what I'm talking about.

Good luck brah, I was also skinny and tall, but when you start putting work into it with a frame like that it's so easy to get all athletic. Bitches love athletes. (See Adonis)
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Listen to jeffrey and mattfca. Also if ur skinny then u need to really eat a lot... lots of protein and carbs
I'm in a similar situation. Used to hit the gym religiously every single day, sometimes two times a day, now I'm wicked out of shape. Not fat, just sedentary as fuck. Need to hit the gym again. OP, start VERY light. Maybe do some light cardio, get the blood going and then slowly work up to weight training again. I know when I go back my first week will be me on the treadmill followed by the sauna and chilling--then I'll start lifting again.

don't look like this guy....

You want to put on muscle mass, it's simple, train hard in the gym and eat loads. You can't really eat too much to be honest, if you find your putting on a bit of fat then either train harder, or just cut every so often.
P90X - dl the videos (make sure it has the stretch and yoga).

Perfect to break you in.
Thanks everyone for some really good advice especially matt , jeffrey and nichespotter. Niche, your 2nd post on this forum really is valuable, so stick around :D +Rep to you.
Pro-tip: Wait a week or two to start. This might sound crazy, I know you don't want to waste time. But if you go to a small(er) gym like I do, it is full right now of people who are only working out due to their New Years resolutions. This means it can get really busy, you have to wait/trade off for machines/weights, and there are just more people at the gym who watch your every move. If you can, go during the day for a break between work. Or wait a week for the riff-raff to give up on their resolutions, and have the gym to yourself.

Or if you don't really give a fuck about any of that stuff, just do it!
Thanks for the rep and good luck with your gymming, dude! Another couple of tips I left out --

Calorie counting isn't actually necessary, it's just another one of those things promoted by stupid get strong quick programs and the world we live in. People competing in the first olympics didn't count their calories let alone know what a calorie was and most of them would probably punch holes through our faces. One protein shake a day is all the extra calories you need, or if you really hate the taste - add one more meal to your regime.

Rest rest rest, work out maximum 3 days in a row, and never more than 2 days in a row on the same area, it's just too risky. No point building muscle in an area and then having a tear or a sprain or something, then you're out of complete commission for god knows how long...
You gotta get yourself on the Carrot Top weight lifting Plan. Stick to it and you will be tappin the hottest bitches in Vegas to

Before & After
Go slow the first week

Yeah +1 for this. If you in it for the long run keep the sets and reps low and build them up every week for a month or so and after that month go wild with supersets etc. I am a firm believer in muscle memory so if you keep at it you will be built bigger than a Nigerian taxi cab driver soon ...
fuck that, do 3 hours on the treadmill, and 12 sets of 100 reps on each weight training exercise, man the fuck up
i am gonna quit being a lazy ass making just monies and hit the gym tommorow after almost a year break. Any suggestion in terms of how i should build my body this time around.

Last time, I was doing ok but then i just left it in the middle. My problem is that, i am tall and skinny. It takes a lot of work to actually build any mass.

Can you guys suggest the best way to gain some mass on the arms especially.

[ame=] Starting Strength (2nd edition) (9780976805427): Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore: Books[/ame]

1. Follow the program.
2. Eat Big.
3. Collect Bitches.
1. Take it slowly.

2. Don't waste your time doing arm work with dumbbells. I's fine if you're already pretty stacked and want to round off a bit, but if you're gene skinny, you need to focus on all over muscle mass. Also, skinny people with huge upper bodies and matchstick legs look ridiculous. Just sayin'

3. Ditto machines.

4. If you want to build muscle mass, do compound exercises, like bench, squat, deadlift, dips, overhead press, pullups etc.

5. Start light, concentrate on perfect form. When you can do more than 12-15 reps with good form, increase weight slightly.

6. Don't do low-rep high-weight work like 5x5s until you've been training consistently for a few months and your connective tissue has had time to adapt (tendons and ligaments build slower than muscle). After that, it's fucking awesome.

7. Rest at least 1-2 days a week.

8. Be patient but consistent. It's too easy to bump up weights because you want to get big fast, wreck yourself and then need months off with a torn rotator cuff or something stupid. has really good info on the different exercises.
Best 3 Diets:
the best and fastest "FAT" loss diets are Ketosis+EC Stack. Or CKD with EC Stack or an IF diet like Leangains. All while maintaining the perfect calorie amount.

I personally don't use EC Stack, but i do use oxyelitepro from time to time.

You can still BULK on the last two diets, i hear IF is an amazing bulking diet.