starting gym tommorow after 1 year break any tips?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
i am gonna quit being a lazy ass making just monies and hit the gym tommorow after almost a year break. Any suggestion in terms of how i should build my body this time around.

Last time, I was doing ok but then i just left it in the middle. My problem is that, i am tall and skinny. It takes a lot of work to actually build any mass.

Can you guys suggest the best way to gain some mass on the arms especially.

I used to play soccer like 4 times a week.

but its been like 2 years i stopped playing it.

i've gained 20 pounds. 120 -> 140.

Last time i tried to do a few laps.

I threw up.

I hope you are prepared for the hard workouts and strenuous diets. You should eat about 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound per day. So if you would weigh 160 pounds you would want to eat 240-320 grams of protein per day.

I would also recommend buying protein powder. I have optimum gold standard whey and casein protein. I drink one whey protein shake in the morning, one whey shake after my workout and then I use the casein protein before bed. Treat shakes as what they are- supplements. The majority of your protein intake should be from lean foods. When I'm bulking I eat a lot of:

+ STILL load up on veggies
Ya know how people in shape always talk about how good they feel when exercising?

For the first 30-45 you'll feel worse -- if you are in crappy computer worker shape. Keep at it.
I hope you are prepared for the hard workouts and strenuous diets. You should eat about 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound per day. So if you would weigh 160 pounds you would want to eat 240-320 grams of protein per day.

I would also recommend buying protein powder. I have optimum gold standard whey and casein protein. I drink one whey protein shake in the morning, one whey shake after my workout and then I use the casein protein before bed. Treat shakes as what they are- supplements. The majority of your protein intake should be from lean foods. When I'm bulking I eat a lot of:

+ STILL load up on veggies

Typo or really trying to drill the point across about eating eggs?
one thing: don't overdo it on the first day, I made that mistake and fucked myself up for 2 weeks, first day take it easy
eat more , gain some weight , and after that you can build muscles .

And don't quit gym again
Last time, I was doing ok but then i just left it in the middle.

Be consistent, it takes time to see results.
Thanks guys, yes i wont overdo it on the first day. Egg, chicken, tuna and fish is what i eat usually, so will concentrate on this. I am not too keen on using the shakes, but lets see.

My old trainer told me to take break after every 2 days of workout to let the muscles repair itself. is this true?
Thanks guys, yes i wont overdo it on the first day. Egg, chicken, tuna and fish is what i eat usually, so will concentrate on this. I am not too keen on using the shakes, but lets see.

My old trainer told me to take break after every 2 days of workout to let the muscles repair itself. is this true?
I lift 5 days a week with no problems. What I normally do is:

Monday: Shoulders
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Just cardio + abs
Thursday: Back
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Biceps/Triceps
Sunday: OFF Completely

My muscles are in a lot better shape then yours are considering I've been dedicated to lifting for awhile now. I'd so something like:

Monday: Shoulders/Biceps
Tuesday: Skip or light cardio + abs
Wednesday: Legs/Back
Thursday: Skip
Friday: Chest/Triceps
Saturday: Light cardio +abs
Sunday: OFF

It's completely up to you but I would one day off lifting in between workouts.
dont workout the same muscles on consecutive days.
do 5x5's of big muscle groups
use real exercises (squats, deads, bench, mil press)
eat a surplus of calories.
utilize protein shakes and creatine
I'm in a similar situation. Used to hit the gym religiously every single day, sometimes two times a day, now I'm wicked out of shape. Not fat, just sedentary as fuck. Need to hit the gym again. OP, start VERY light. Maybe do some light cardio, get the blood going and then slowly work up to weight training again. I know when I go back my first week will be me on the treadmill followed by the sauna and chilling--then I'll start lifting again.
Thanks guys, yes i wont overdo it on the first day. Egg, chicken, tuna and fish is what i eat usually, so will concentrate on this. I am not too keen on using the shakes, but lets see.

My old trainer told me to take break after every 2 days of workout to let the muscles repair itself. is this true?

Don't workout the same muscle the next day so don't workout your arms and then on the next day work arms again.

Also you said it's hard to gain mass. Well, when it comes to building muscle it's all about eating the right amount of calories. You need to be eating at least 500 over your maintenance amount which you can workout over at BMR Calculator
I would personally work on stamina before you try and gain

You won't feel like shit when you start lifting then and you'll have a lot more energy to do so.

Run, swim. Do light lifting but don't try and build huge mass at first, you'll just beat up your body