Hey, I must have missed that last PM, but send me all the info I need to get an order placed.
Just placed 2 orders
ID for this payment is: 5NU62129JE490704K
ID for this payment is: 9H267758VD959581H
Orders processed, you should be receiving some reports by now.
Order placed; conf ID03C15048W9708260S. PMing details.
Just purchased one Speed 3.
Transaction: #9X139358S2311824U
Campaign name: BRG
Can you please double check to make sure I set it up OK? I used the URL of my homepage for all 4 keywords - is this the best use of your service or should I target deeper pages, or different sites...?
Hi! I am interested in ordering the speed 12 package... If you are accepting new orders, will you please PM me? Thanks!
Just ordered a Speed 12 package to test service. PP ID: 218726901G1570110