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Moral of this story - if you're going to vote for yourself at least use a different login to do so ;)

Glad to hear everything worked out for you man.
YAY! Alls well that ends well.

And never, ever put all of your eggs in the Google basket. You will get your nuts crushed.
Don't you get email provided to you by your ISP?
Should be forwarding gMail stuff to that, or getting it downloaded onto your computer by a client like Thunderbird. gMail has IMAP, so it's not like it matters which you use because you'll know what's been looked at and replied too, etc.

Anyway, good to hear it's ok.

Also good to hear it wasn't someone hijacking.
I've had that happen to me by a guy that hijacked one of my domains before I moved it into one of my holding accounts. Fucker shut down the email account when he was done.
lol you know it's news when my hubby reads over my shoulder and says, "He got his gmail back?"
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