Sorry, your account has been disabled.

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Really sorry to hear that. Try contacting everyone and asking them to use your own email, I guess. I only use gmail for (incoming) spam and stuff that doesn't matter. I once used gmail to send my wp backups to, because of all the space they gave me, but my paranoia got the better of me and I changed it to me at mydomain dot com over a year ago, the same time I cancelled my adcents and google analytics accounts. G is not my friend.
/me tilts my tin foil hat slightly to the left.

You know there are threads on wf that make me feel very uncomfortable and slightly queasy inside. This is one of them.

PSU4life said what I was going to say...really everything is a third party. Even a domain can be shut down, hosting shut down...etc.

Uh, I'm the one that said that really everything is a third party. The most in theory you can limit reliance on third parties is to own an IP (paying the ARIN fees) and use domain literal format addressing.
Someone here has to have a contact at Google. All I need is the extension to someone in the Gmail department. Google won't answer their emails :(
man that sucks. I hope you can get this fixed asap!

Anyway, this motivated to use the huge HD I have and from now on thunderbird downloads all gmail messages...
Someone here has to have a contact at Google. All I need is the extension to someone in the Gmail department. Google won't answer their emails :(

I actually work for Google as an independent contractor, but I don't know of anyone at Gmail. I do know someone at Google News though... I'll send them and e-mail and see if they know of anyone.
I actually work for Google as an independent contractor, but I don't know of anyone at Gmail. I do know someone at Google News though... I'll send them and e-mail and see if they know of anyone.
Thank you! I've submitted the form 3 times now and each time I get back that they can't verify my information. This is so frustrating...
Thank you! I've submitted the form 3 times now and each time I get back that they can't verify my information. This is so frustrating...

I haven't heard back yet, but I did find out that Google will disable your account if you are sending more than 500 emails in a 24 hour period or simply checking your e-mail a lot (I don't have the number on that).

I'll definitely be changing a few accounts to point to something other than my gmail account after reading up on this.
I lost access to my gmail account a few weeks ago. (My own fault.) I got it back by going through Adsense instead of Gmail when submitting the stolen account form thing. The information they ask for on the Adsense form is easier to get exactly correct. Like the amount of money you got for your last check, your pin, etc. I tried the gmail recovery form like twice and got rejected both times. However the situation was a bit different since they didn't disable me.
I haven't heard back yet, but I did find out that Google will disable your account if you are sending more than 500 emails in a 24 hour period or simply checking your e-mail a lot (I don't have the number on that).

I'll definitely be changing a few accounts to point to something other than my gmail account after reading up on this.
Hmmm.. I have my Blackberry continuously check my Gmail account, but I've been doing that for 2 years without a problem.

Yea, I won't be using Gmail as my main account anymore. I'm very unimpressed with their handling of this.
I lost access to my gmail account a few weeks ago. (My own fault.) I got it back by going through Adsense instead of Gmail when submitting the stolen account form thing. The information they ask for on the Adsense form is easier to get exactly correct. Like the amount of money you got for your last check, your pin, etc. I tried the gmail recovery form like twice and got rejected both times. However the situation was a bit different since they didn't disable me.
How'd you lose access? Just forget your password?
I haven't heard back yet, but I did find out that Google will disable your account if you are sending more than 500 emails in a 24 hour period or simply checking your e-mail a lot (I don't have the number on that).

I'll definitely be changing a few accounts to point to something other than my gmail account after reading up on this.

Interesting. So the threshold would be 2.88 minutes... That sounds reasonable if "checking" only means "logging in", but what if you access it through POP3/IMAP? Do you know if that counts as "checking mail" in their book?

Edit - ok I confused sending 500 emails with checking a lot, lol. I don't send that much.
You can't provide them with enough information to prove that you own your own account?

I gave them everything.

Someone you know has to have a message that was sent by you from that account. See if you can get a copy of a message that you could offer to provide G. Perhaps there might be a unique identifier for your account in the raw message header that could help them identify you better.
Someone you know has to have a message that was sent by you from that account. See if you can get a copy of a message that you could offer to provide G. Perhaps there might be a unique identifier for your account in the raw message header that could help them identify you better.
There is no way I can tell them that. There are no comment boxes in the form. That's what makes this so difficult.

I just tried the Adsense form, so hopefully that works.

I just tried to log in again and it works!! And all my emails are there (besides the ones that bounced back to the sender in the past 24 hours)!

Looks like I was probably on a 24 hour temporary disablement.

What a huge weight off my shoulders. This was a good lesson at least...

Thanks for all the help everybody.
Now install tbird or outlook and get everything downloaded before they do it again. And put on the damn tin foil hat.
I'm doing that now! And from now on, my main email address will be one hosted on my own domain.
Ha! I got a reply from Google:


Thank you for your report.

We suspended your Google Account because we noticed you were submitting
multiple ratings for gadgets. Further, we suspect that you were rating
your own gadgets -- if you were please be advised that this is also a
violation of our policies.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please respond to this
message, and we'll investigate further.


The Google Team
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