Sooooo I'm officially (1) Ghetto or (2) I've lost my mind?


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA

I bought 4 chickens yesterday (hens). These arent the mother fuckers that go cock-a-doodle-do in the morning. I live in a farming... correction, like horse area of palm springs (all my neighboors have horses and shit) so if they call the feds because of my hens shits gonna get real. Anyhow, I got them yesterday and here's a picture of what I found this morning


The chickens are not in a coop or anything, I have them roaming freely in the backyard. Anyhow, I've either lost my mind with prepping or turned into that weird mexican family down the street that has fucking chickens.. Either way, lulz.

In b4 "Why does your chicken lay brown eggs and not white ones?", "Interracial chicken eggs", etc. etc. etc.


in all seriousness though, what was the reason for scooping them chick'ns? Just for eggs? Self sustainability efforts?

Chicken love?
lol dresden is definitely the new pewep. Or dresden has always been pewep? Or dresden was actually the guy shining the white mans shoes? Mind blown.
Shoot out in palm springs over chickens?

Cnn Breaking News.

I am Wolf Blitzer in the situation room, this just in, shots fired, 3 chickens are on the loose.
When I found out that chickens produce eggs without being fucked I was also shocked.

Seriously, it's a wonder of nature. A healthy chicken poops out an egg each day, but it is not fertilized (no rooster), so there will be no little chickens. You can still eat it or play with it.

build a coop... get 3 dozen eggs a week... profit

source: my bro lives upstate ny and has chickens... brown ones lay brown eggs white ones lay white eggs (y u no get white chicken?)... you are supposed to let them roam and at night they will just go into the coop to make dem eggs