Sooooo I'm officially (1) Ghetto or (2) I've lost my mind?


[ame=]Rabbit takes Chicken - YouTube[/ame]
Update posted to my facebook (day 1), 10 minutes ago:

"ok these g dam chickens are not gonna roam free in my back yard. idk who the fuck they think they are eating my plants, rootin up my grass, kickin my nice bark/rock area all around and shittin all over everything. Quarantine time come saturday bitches."

....seriously? Buncha dicks...
Update posted to my facebook (day 1), 10 minutes ago:

"ok these g dam chickens are not gonna roam free in my back yard. idk who the fuck they think they are eating my plants, rootin up my grass, kickin my nice bark/rock area all around and shittin all over everything. Quarantine time come saturday bitches."

....seriously? Buncha dicks...

You continually amaze me.
Update posted to my facebook (day 1), 10 minutes ago:

"ok these g dam chickens are not gonna roam free in my back yard. idk who the fuck they think they are eating my plants, rootin up my grass, kickin my nice bark/rock area all around and shittin all over everything. Quarantine time come saturday bitches."

....seriously? Buncha dicks... better either Clip their Wings....or make sure the ENTIRE area including the TOP and FLOOR (Wire under the ground WOVEN into the sides.) is Chicken Wired.

I predict these chickens will OWN Dresden by next week.

They aren't as stupid as ppl think they are...

[ame=]Tic Tac Toe: Brodie Vs. Chicken - YouTube[/ame]
You got a hen and it laid an egg??? HOLY SHIT STOP THE PRESSES! What the fuck did you expect it to do? Moron.

And in typical scumbag style you didn't give them a coop? They will be dead in days.

On a related note, I caught this chicken murderer this morning.
what? what is the egg from then?

Its from the chicken? Let's see if this explanation helps. Female chickens regularly put out eggs, just like female humans. Whether they are fertilized or not. Chicken unfertilized egg = breakfast. Human unfertilized egg = toilet fodder.
You got a hen and it laid an egg??? HOLY SHIT STOP THE PRESSES! What the fuck did you expect it to do? Moron.

And in typical scumbag style you didn't give them a coop? They will be dead in days.

On a related note, I caught this chicken murderer this morning.

I know what's for dinner.