Solo Girl Website Part 2 - Pics And Q's

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New member
Apr 19, 2007
Ok so we are steaming ahead on this project. She stayed over 3 days straight and all we did was work, eat , research and sleep. Very serious about this and she left for a 2 day break and will be back on Monday.

I am having trouble finding out information about accepting VISA. I am leaning towards Verotel as a processor. I know for US companies they need to pay $750 to VISA for processing but I see not mention of that for Canadians which is where I'm located. Any thoughts?

So far I have got
- Awiz for CMS (better suggestions?)
- 2257 info etc
- Getting Incorporated (necessary?)
- Air tight contract with the model
- Designers
- 23 Photo Sets, 6 (3 minute) videos... 1000 photos in total. How much more before we have enough to launch and get subscribers?

Here are some more pics btw... I am the shooter and this girl has said I'm the best photographer she's ever met (other than high school I have no training).


But srsly, she's cute. I wasn't following your other thread too closely, but good luck. From what I know, porn is nothing but a bunch of traffic exchanges, and most galleries have info on getting onto those exchanges. In any case, you should get your payment stuff working and checked out, then launch the actual site.
A pussy shot cause you guys helped me so much.

btw this is exclusive shit, never before shot naked. I met her in Niagra falls in a club and she was fresh from sweden about to start stripping but was too nervous touching guys. Then I explained her the wonderful world of affiliate marketing and got her to move to my city. HUSTLIN

for what it's worth I fucked her and she bled I think she was a virgin ;0. Said she was too, not that I give a fuck
2 and 4 are washed out a little. Watch that sunlight. Congrats though.

Why did you pick that CMS over some of the more popular ones? Not trying to change your mind... just curious.
I think anyone here that helps you should get a free membership. Anybody else for this???????????????????????????????
I'm pretty broke unfortunately. I have an expensive lifestyle and live paycheque to paycheque. She has some bank, I tried to get her to spring for MAS $4,955 and it's a definite NO GO. I know of Awiz ($150), MAS (expensive), sitedepth (moderate $600) , any others I'm missing?

She already invested for the camera and video camera/dozens of outfits and is getting nervous about it even though I keep reassuring her we will make it all back.

2 and 4 are washed out a little. Watch that sunlight. Congrats though.

Why did you pick that CMS over some of the more popular ones? Not trying to change your mind... just curious.
I'm pretty broke unfortunately. I have an expensive lifestyle and live paycheque to paycheque. She has some bank, I tried to get her to spring for MAS $4,955 and it's a definite NO GO. I know of Awiz ($150), MAS (expensive), sitedepth (moderate $600) , any others I'm missing?

She already invested for the camera and video camera/dozens of outfits and is getting nervous about it even though I keep reassuring her we will make it all back.
Great shoot aside from the lighting. Especially since her nips appear to be a little on the light side, proper lighting can add a bunch more color to the skin. Or, just use photoshop.
Great shoot aside from the lighting. Especially since her nips appear to be a little on the light side, proper lighting can add a bunch more color to the skin. Or, just use photoshop.

Thanks man, I've been reading your blog since day 1 keep it up :rasta:
Man, I really hope that you ain't only taking pics and having a meal together. Of cource I'm not talking about the affiliate marketing talks either.
Best of luck, she looks quite uniq indeed.
My feeling is that the interactive chats are the way to go wid her!
There are bunch of membership sites, which can possibly help you to take off and get some returning clients.
Thanks man, I've been reading your blog since day 1 keep it up :rasta:
Glad you like it :)
Oh yeah, and I kinda found an example. I'm far from a phoitoshop master, but I thought 5.jpg needed the most work. So like 15 minutes on photoshop, and you can clean up the nip color, some weirdness on the cheek, etc. Then all of a sudden, the girl is lookin like a porn star. Here's the best I could do editing. I also cleaned up the bloodshot eyes.
Also have you thought up of a nifty name? Like all of these solo porn girls have some "Adjective about where i'm from or how young i am" + Name?
Her name is Kylee.. last name to be revealed I have the .com version just want to make sure I buy all mispellings before I release it. Thanks xmcp that pic does look a lot better!

Yes it's an ongoing thing I have been dating her for 4 months and as far as I know she is not fucking any other dudes. Not like she lives with me though, so who knows!
Ok best of luck with this. Couple of things

You need a new camera that looks like 5mp shots or whatever and they're high res but the camera you use is crap and shows all grainy and shit when you zoom in.
Also your photography is ok, but I'd recommend eventually either taking some classes or hiring a pro

I hate to be picky but here's more advice for her

Get her a manicure, her nails are funky
Clear up whatever is going on with that left nipple
She could stand to lose a few pounds, not much just a couple

Not saying she's not hot cause she's smokin' just saying if you want her to be a 10 from a 9.5

You may also want to consider giving her a porn name and not using her real name, for her sake.

Kylee is her porn name. Thanks for the constructive criticism.

1. Left nipple - this concerned me as well. It looked like a pimple at first bout a week ago then guess she popped it. It will heal but I know it looks weird.

2. She has gained about 5 - 7 pounds last 4 months. When I met her I thought she was a supermodel.

3. Nails - agreed, I bug her about this all the time even as my gf.

4. Camera - I will take your suggestion and invest in a better camera. I will also take classes or hire out.

5. Do you think a solo girl who's BF is shooting and webmaster can be our own little niche? Or what niche am I in, big tits, young girl, etc?
with adult looks per say are not really important.
also mainstream is almost saturated.
it is about finding the right niche.
traffic exchanges with similar sites of same niche etc.

you could have naked pics of some guy who is like 1000 lbs, has a really small dick and if u find the right niche to promote it in, u can make a bundle.
have you ever seen a bigtime solo girl site? because I'm guessing you haven't she's cute but those pics are shit

BTW - check out CCBill for processing
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