Social Media Likes, Gplus, fb likes, pintrest, youtube views and Google page 1 V18

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A load of my FB likes were removed and the OP replaced them without even having to co0ntact him, and added an extra 1000 or so as bonus - thanks, fully recommended!
Special Offer For Today Only

20,000 facebook website likes
for $108 instead of regular $540 (80% discount)

you can give multiple urls as well

P.S. : for 20k fb website special offer PM me or skypee for payment details

For few recent orders not send any manual confirmation due to overload of orders. all of you will got auto confirmation once payment is Done.

Right now average TAT is 15 days. For small orders it come down to 2 days and for bulk order it can be 30 days (will send manual confirmation with TAT on order to oder basis)
All orders are completed by queue right now 25 orders in hand. If any one want to boost their work and need to complete it fast, just PM me or ping me on skype.

Thanks all for such a great response on service. and huge repeat orders.

All new orders welcome.
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All new orders welcome. on every order above $120 you will get free bonus (select any one from list bellow)
1. 2000 facebook website likes or fanpage likes
2. 3000 tweets for website url
3. 10,000 youtube views

To get bonus free service, while ordering add which bonus service you wanr, and provide detail for it
Got my Google+ order, everything's great + over-delivered. Will order again for sure.
All new work welcome,sending few more reports in next 36 hours.
All current works are in progress smoothly, for few orders 90% work is completed final report making is pending, will sending lots of reports in next 6 days.
All new orders welcome :)
sent out few more reports.

Discount Coupons : 4th Aug updated
25OFF = 5 times only (25%)
10OFF = 30 times only (10%)

P.S. : Dont use coupon codes on already discounted rates. likes $100 instead of $150

All new orders welcome
sent out few more reports.
Update :
Updates : replacement is in progress with very high quality not dropping facebook fanpage likes for all clients they faced drop of likes
for recent few clients which they have lost fb fanpage likes, i will offer you 10k+ permanent facebook website url likes as a alternate replacement or other service mutually understood
addme on skype : getgplusvotes

Likes will be fixed in 2 days

Facebook website likes, tweets, g+, pins, youtube views, youtube likes are permanent no drop at all for that services

Refunds : NO Refunds are done : as service comes with replacement guarantee, as likes dropped i cant do the refund, will give you replacement or as said above service
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I just spoke with Diablo9975. If anyone is having issues with FB likes, he and his people are on top of it and will have a fix out soon.

Just give him a little time to put the fix in. He won't let you down.
All new orders welcome, just sent out few reports and fb fanpage likes fix is in progress will update you soon

all new orders confirmed.
Current queue = 33 independent orders and 1 order with in that sub 60+ orders :)

All works are completed in time, TAT is 15 days (3 to 30 days depending on how small or how bulk your order is )
Diablo9975 wanted to inform you my likes are gone again. I will await word from you. thank you.
Diablo9975 wanted to inform you my likes are gone again. I will await word from you. thank you.

Sir, In the hole service period, we facing this loss of facebook fanpage likes first time, all other services are running smoothly.
As a terms and services, guarantee warranty i will redo the likes, (all ready in progress ) total 7 fanpage orders affected.

All New orders welcome :)
Current TAT is 20 days (for small orders that will completed in 24 hours to 7 days and bigger orders can upto 30 days)
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