Social Media Likes, Gplus, FB likes and shares, Pins, tweets, and combos V33

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Hey, what's the sticking ratio of fans/followers

Its comes with 2 months guarantee, we have clients which work completed before years still they are their :)

You will get always over delivery so virtually their is no drop at all. For websites signal no drops , for fanpage or twitter followers etc 5% drop may occur but you are getting huge over delivery so no problem at all

All new orders are welcome

got lots of more orders :)
Current TAT is 7 to 15 days according to order quantity

All new orders are welcome

P.S. : For few orders we notice the pin drops, it first time happens and only few orders are faced that, (check 300+ recent old orders, no drop their) just only new that re in progress right now have it, we are working on it, and re given the pins etc, Not need to worry about it, as service comes with replacement guarantee, if any one face such a problem just PM me or ping me on skype
Few link get dropped and few get top uped to with huge number of pins instead of given 20 pins is showing 200+ lol
Only few orders are faced that problem not all.
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Limited Time OFFER
  • Order 5,000 facebook fanpage likes and get Delivery of 10,000 likes
  • Order 1,000 Google + and get Delivery of 2,000 Google +

P.S. : you can give upto 5 fanpages for Facebook offer & Upto 50 website Urls for G+ offer

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