Social Bookmarking on 100 DoFollow Social Sites

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Now, after more than a week after submission, I get the real results of this submission service - got ranking for several keywords moved up. That's really cool. I can recommend this service to anyone.

I need to order services from you. For some reason I cannot PM you. I just created my account. How can I contact you? I am based in the U.S.

Hello fellow WF users,

I'm a newbie to the whole Google world and I am interested in this service.

Question: Is it dangerous to frequently use SB services? (once or twice a month)

I just got my first 100 links report from Amit, and it was done in a timely fashion (48 hours), and the handful of new links I tested appeared to be at high PR sites. He is thoroughly professional, and delivers what he promises.

Thanks, Amit. I'll be looking in the next week or two for my higher position in the SERPS.
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