Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Just purchased first order, lot of hype with this service. Hoping to get a good push with this!

ID: 656339546G3246641
I got another package from river and I just wanted to write another review to show how awesome this service is...

As some of you may be aware, a lot of sites lost rankings terribly this past update, I went from #3 to #9 for my BEST keyword... I know this isn't nearly as bad as what has happened to other peoples sites, but this reduced my daily earnings by more than half... (Going from $40.00/day to freakin $15.00/day makes a huge difference). I had river do a SBBomb for me to try to get back to my original #3 position and 24 hours after he did his thing, my site was again ranking at #3...

If you haven't ordered this service, you freakin need to... If you don't know how much of an impact this service can provide to your rankings, then you need to start reading all 30 pages of this sales thread...

River is one of the most intelligent and nicest guys I have ever met, and his service is simply one of a kind!

Whenever I build a new niche site, I am coming to river right away to push my sites to the top!

Thank you so much again for providing your service, I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you and your SBBomb!

Thanks man!
There was a Panda update last week, maybe that filtered your rankings, would be nothing to do with the SBB.

I did think of that, but it's rather unfortunate timing if that's the case. You would think other SBB customers would have issues too...not just me?

This is extremely rare so I'm really interested in taking a look and figure out why this might have happened.

Panda update last week could be a factor, timing coincides.

Right now the only clue I have, I see the description you provided wasn't spun much - it's nice and readable, but TBS calculates 21% uniqueness.

I keep reminding people that these get posted to 1000+ sites so low-level spins result in a ton of dupe content. The spins we do are sentence and word-level spun and sometimes people complain about less than perfect readability, but I'd rather opt for uniqueness since most of these bookmarks will never be seen by humans.

If you're on gchat add or email me and let's try to get to the bottom of this: sbbomb @ gmail

Thanks for responding River. Yes I did provide 4 spun anchor text and spun decriptions, but I'm new to the whole spinning thing so I don't know if I did enough or not.

I will take this as a lesson learned, so I don't need you to do anything, I am just happy you acknowledged my situation. I will probably order again from you in the future but with less competitive keyword phrases.

It means your site is too new, just keep building links and your rankings will stabilize in 2-4 weeks of consistent linkbuilding.

Your main URL just dissapear from Google amirite?

The URL that I submitted to this service did not get de-indexed. It just show up quickly in rankings and stayed for a couple of days then disappeared from the top#100. I am using market samurai so I don't think it looks past top #100.

I thought of site age issue too as my site is around 4 months old. However, I have seen guys here who take a new site to #1 in just a few weeks so I didn't think this would have a negative impact.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback everyone. I will continue to watch my rankings and see if anything improves in the next couple of weeks.

Just ordered for the first time and my report was delivered today. I noticed as early as yesterday that my main keywords had jumped in rankings. Sure enough, the report shows that most of the bomb dropped yesterday and some happened today.

My niche isn't super competitive and I was already making steady but slow progress. With SBB, my main keyword jumped from #13 to #7 within 2 days. Other keywords went up as well. It's too early to tell if they'll stay there long-term, but judging by the 30 pages of positive reviews, this looks like a service I will be ordering again.
I did think of that, but it's rather unfortunate timing if that's the case. You would think other SBB customers would have issues too...not just me?

Yes I've had the same timing when doing linking building before with a Panda drop and thinking it was my links, but realized it wasn't.

Maybe some SBB customers did get affected by Panda but they realize this and didn't post here because they know it had nothing to do with SBB.

I have a friend who used SBB a week or two ago and he was also affected by Panda last week but he's not posting here for that very reason.
Yes I've had the same timing when doing linking building before with a Panda drop and thinking it was my links, but realized it wasn't.

Maybe some SBB customers did get affected by Panda but they realize this and didn't post here because they know it had nothing to do with SBB.

I have a friend who used SBB a week or two ago and he was also affected by Panda last week but he's not posting here for that very reason.

Thanks mate, I appreciate the info. Damn Panda.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc :)

I still want to take a better look at that keyword, doesn't seem that competitive. Very competitive kws just don't temporarily jump to almost first page.

I recall early days of DFB/xrumer, I was using it heavily on my money sites and they were ranking like nothing I've ever seen before. Then one day they started disappearing from serps. Not dropping or dancing - disappearing even for their brands.

Needless to say I was scared shitless and blamed xrumer first, but then noticed a strange pattern: subpages were still ranking fine and it was isolated to one hosting account. Everyone dispensed the usual advice: keep building links, unique content, optimize images, keyword density, don't put all your eggs in one basket, if all fails give up and move on, yada yada...

... until I logged into GWT and saw a ton of crawling errors - Googlebot simply couldn't access the sites. Turned out there was an issue with my hosting's firewall that nobody knew about. One email to admin solved the problem and sites were back to #1 spots next day. I could've built all the links I wanted and it wouldn't do shit, sites still seemed offline to G.

Sometimes things aren't what they seem, especially when hundreds of factors are involved such as with SEO.
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