Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Responded to everyone. We're slowly catching up and I'll be sending out a lot of reports today.

Jingo, your bomb was really unusual, so I'm glad you got results :)

Multiple URLs
We can do it, but it involves extra manual work to set up and extra costs. I don't have a set pricing on that yet, so PM me if you're interested in splitting these 1000+ bookmarks between multiple urls.

Just placed a 2nd order for 2 additional websites of mine. The first 2 websites that I used this service on, both climbed a few spots so far in the SERPs (they were both on 2nd page of Google and now, one of the sites are bottom 1st page) and I have a feeling they will climb even more since the work was completed only a few days ago. Recommended!
One discounted review copy up for grabs

I just noticed neynme never sent me any details for the review copy he claimed.

So, one 50% discounted review copy up for grabs to the first person with 10+ itraders who posts here.

Great job on the first project. Thanks for taking the time to explain info via pm's. Great job. I'll be back again. I appreciate your product and your communication.
I wouldn't cheap out on this service if you missed a review copy. I ordered at regular price before he mentioned another review copy. Took a week to get my report but I was told this because of the current backlog he had.

Too early to tell on SERP movement but I gave him two very competitive keywords in a niche that's saturated as fuck (didn't know dick about seo then).
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