Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Not sure if you got my email, I would like 4 more packages, please PM me pricing and what you need etc
Just ordered. Page is at #19. Recently changed URL and 301'd to it, and Google picked that up quick and now has the right URL.

I've had a couple other things thrown at this page but nothing like this.

LOL at 1258 links to this page. That's just epic. Gonna plop them into DFB for a few days next.

Unfortunately, I'll be in Panama/Costa Rica until about April 12, so I might not have time to update this SERP for you guys. We'll see where we're at in a couple weeks.
Serp update:

Instead of using this on one url I asked river to blast 13 urls with 7 random keywords.

These are 4 letter long tails and my web pages are not optimised for anything but the first letter.

I wasn't looking for a serp jump I just needed some random links to all my inner urls.

I only used rivers service on all these urls, and from being nowhere in the top 1000 for those keywords I am between 20-27 rank on all the keywords.

I am very sure if used as suggested by river i.e. one url this would give a major serp boost. Will be using again and again and again :)
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