Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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We've seen some good results sending 75% bookmarks to one keyword and 25% spread between a variety of keywords to make it appear more natural.

Use this syntax:

{Widgets|Widgets|Widgets|Widgets|{Buy Widgets|Widgets online|Widgets blog|Widget reviews|widgets for midgets}}​

So this happens:
Widgets: ~750 bookmarks
Buy Widgets: ~50 bookmarks
Widgets online: ~50 bookmarks
Widgets blog: ~50 bookmarks
Widget reviews: ~50 bookmarks
widgets for midgets: ~50 bookmarks

Or use any other weird combination you want. 60% to one keyword and 4% to 10 different variations? Sure thing.
Got my file earlier this morning. Everything looked solid and checked out in terms of resolving. River let me know that because of the spammy nature of my phrases (oh yeah baby) that he'd push some extra just to make sure. Looks like it worked juuuuuust fine. Good work!
Excellent service! Had a german site bombed in a pretty competitive niche and it went from nowhere in top 100 to #13 after the bomb. Very Impressed! Will order tons more.
Hi river,

I have PM you the 04-14-2011 for 7 orders but no answer.
Please answer me.

Sorry, missed your PM. Replied.

Excellent service! Had a german site bombed in a pretty competitive niche and it went from nowhere in top 100 to #13 after the bomb. Very Impressed! Will order tons more.

I hope you're charging them accordingly =)
Just received my report, excellent work. 1108 Social Bookmarks.

I really like the Excell report: Bookmark Time, URL's submitted, Titles, Direct Links, Domain PR. Top notch: my site is in Dutch, so River suggested to use a Dutch description. He translated my English description into understandable Dutch.

Great Bookmarking service!!

One month anniversary!

To celebrate the first month, I'm giving away one free review copy to the first qualified member who claims it here. :banana_sml:

Available only to folks with 20+ itraders who haven't ordered yet.
I received the report for my first order a few days ago. I just spot checked some of the URLs, but every one I checked was there. The usernames were different for every bookmarking account I checked. I don't know if this is the case for all of the bookmarks, but it looks like this service varies usernames more than any of the other services I've used. I like that.

I have seen some movement on a few of the targeted keywords. However, it's really too early to judge the results. I would probably use the service again, but I will most likely wait until the drip feed option is available.
I received the report for my first order a few days ago. I just spot checked some of the URLs, but every one I checked was there. The usernames were different for every bookmarking account I checked. I don't know if this is the case for all of the bookmarks, but it looks like this service varies usernames more than any of the other services I've used. I like that.

I have seen some movement on a few of the targeted keywords. However, it's really too early to judge the results. I would probably use the service again, but I will most likely wait until the drip feed option is available.

Thanks for the review!

True, we vary usernames a lot. There's about 600-700 different usernames used for these 1000 bookmarks.
Here is my long overdue review.

Overdelivered, got more than 1300 links.
Great communication and turnaround time.
Very good report.
A large part of the links are still there after almost one month.

river, left you itrader, please leave some for me :)
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