Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Review time

Just ordered a one week blast

ID for this payment is: 2PL98248A46947020.

KW 1 - very tough comp (33k exact searches) looong battle ahead, currently at #41
KW 2 - middle to easy comp currently at #22

will update once its finished.


Ordered on the 9th .... links started coming in on the 14th.
Received 1214 bookmarks.

My rankings today :

KW1 - #25
KW2 - #6

This is a great service and definitely recommended!
Will blast all bookmarks with comments and profiles, I`m expecting to go up a few spots after that.
Will order again for other sites!
River i placed order on April 13th(drip feed package)
Unique Transaction ID #03B76255JP139133E

Just want to know that you got it and working on it.
I've ordered several times and keep sending the links to inner pages on my site. The more I use the service, the faster my internal pages are getting to the top 3 positions.
Hey river, just sent you an email regarding payment issues with one of my orders and also status update with a few of my other orders - please let me know if you received them.
agreed - this is the 4th day and my drip orders haven't started yet....

Seems like I have to keep publicly complaining before my orders are started, as he's never on Skype anymore nor replies to emails / PMs... :uhoh2:
First time order -- 6SS62204MA4094803

With all these rave reviews, let's see how good this service is. Trying to rank Yelp business listing (PR 2) that's not even in the top 500.
No worries guys, one of our servers had issues so we got new ones - but they did need a few days to set up & get running. Only a small number of orders were affected and 90% are running on time, hopefully someone will chime in and confirm that :)
No worries guys, one of our servers had issues so we got new ones - but they did need a few days to set up & get running. Only a small number of orders were affected and 90% are running on time, hopefully someone will chime in and confirm that :)

I'm still waiting on my order from Thursday but I genuinely do not give a shit at all about waiting, it's oh so worth it.
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