Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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cool - just placed order - with all the trimmings ;)

will def be ordering lots more of this package if I get some decent results as seems likely based on feedback here....

pp - #7UK97316M20744915
River - I sent you a PM a few days ago. I'm looking to order another service but just wanted something cleared up. Looking forward to hearing from you....
Multiple orders placed 3 - 4+ days ago yet they haven't been started....

River - PMed you yesterday and skyped you a couple times today with no response.

Please get back to me and let me know if / when you're taking new orders. Has anyone else had a hard time getting hold of River lately? :xomunch:
as always good stuff
before placing the order my kws were:
kw3 not in top100

two hours after report

pretty good movement in two hours, by thursday-friday i expect to be page1 for all!

two days later
amazing stuff, i am sure by weekend after a sb blast i will be page 1!

hey river can you send me your bulk prices?
Yes...waiting on numerous reports.

How long have you been waiting Noah?

I wish the customer service / communication would be better...lately I've had to try contacting him 5 - 10 separate times before receiving a reply....

It's a good service...but the communication is not good as of late (last few weeks).
Want to place order but waiting for him to reply to person above me.
It seems that he stops responding to this thread for a while :(
Not sure if he is still providing this service.
can someone confirm if this can work on a brand new site or am taking too much risk?

John, can you confirm available for more orders?
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