Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Sent a blast order. Transaction ID: 4AR034158P7961106

Will update when rankings change. Current status:

Keyword 1: #5
Keyword 2: #6
Keyword 3: #35

Received my report today. Totally professional and well done.

Too early for an update on SERPs, but Keyword 2 is at 5 now (from 6) and Keyword 3 is #34.

Will update 7 days from now to report on SERPS.
Hi river,

Super happy with your services, I want to talk to you about doing bulk orders, could you please get back to me.

Quick question for you "homey." I ordered on Friday and Jon responded lighting fast and is a cool guy. The question is - how long do the effects usually last. Thanks - I like your bling. :pimp:

I'll give my unbiased opinion. :D

One of the first review packages we did was for dreamache back in February, his aged site quickly jumped from #16 to #2 (see first page on the thread) and is now at #1. With a jump like that, no additional link building was needed and it's still holding strong today.

I also keep dozens of MFA sites for testing & control purposes. They all receive 1 or 2 SBBs and no other links, typically settle between #3 and #8 and make some adcents along the way. So far, I haven't had any of those drop off page 1.
I can attest that one bomb which was done on a very competitive term like long time ago is holding steady...
Just placed my second order after how well the first one went. Same site, different page. I'll be a happy camper if I can achieve the same results.
Looking for an update on my order, originally submitted in Late June. Haven't head anything since despite at least one email inquiry since then. Sending PM/another email.
Received my report today. Totally professional and well done.

Too early for an update on SERPs, but Keyword 2 is at 5 now (from 6) and Keyword 3 is #34.

Will update 7 days from now to report on SERPS.

No need for 7 days - Keyword 1 is now at #4 (was at 5-6 for as long as I can remember), Keyword 2 still at 5, and Keyword 3 is #13.

Awesome. Left iTrader, BTW.
Ordered another SBB, this time it's for a german site, Transaktionscode 9S440884KG426512T

Let's see how it works out, i'm currently at #18. Updates will follow..
My SERPs Review
Hey Guys,
I've review this service before, and we all know river is a pro and prompt guy. I was lucky enough to get a preview of the velocity package and here are the results:

I usually wait a month to review services, but Ive noticed with the SBB, results are seen quickly after - that on its own is a positive :)

This site was hoping around #5->#9 for its term (EMD) from May 16 to June 20. 21 June it magically jumped out of the top 100 and stayed out until SBB Velocity came along.
First day I saw results was July 29 where it jumped back to #32.
July 30th it jumped up to #5.
July 31st it jumped up to #2 where it has stayed to this day.

Other secondary / long term keywords have also gone up big time. Im not going to bother posting those values because if the above results dont convince you, nothing will.

For the price - nothing beats SBB. Its part of my normal SEO procedure for ANY domain I work on.
Velocity package finished on Aug 1.
Looking for an update on my order, originally submitted in Late June. Haven't head anything since despite at least one email inquiry since then. Sending PM/another email.

Thanks for the quick reply on this (via email). Appreciate it and looking forward to the report/results!
Just placed a 1 time blast order:

Current Rankings, url is EMD of keyword 1.

40% weight Keyword #1 (4,400 local)- 18
30% weight Keyword #2 (1,000 local)- 26
10% weight Keyword #3 (590 local) - 20
10% weight keyword #4 (210 local) - 20
10% weight keyword #5 (170 local) - 19
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