So. Very. Pissed.

lol haven't moved your domains yet lol?

... you haven't moved yet?
I mean, I can understand you ranting bout his shitty service, but a smart man would have hauled ass the day this thread was posted.

Much to learn you have, young paduwan.

I moved it like 3 hrs. ago to a new host. I wanted to give them a little chance with the thin thread of sympathy and hope I had for them. BUT FUCK MAN. CMON:nopenope:

I moved it like 3 hrs. ago to a new host. I wanted to give them a little chance with the thin thread of sympathy and hope I had for them. BUT FUCK MAN. CMON:nopenope:

There is no sympathy and hope unless the owner is/was one of your close friends or acquaintances.

If not then strictly business and you should handle it as such.