[smokers] Cigarette thread

people, it aint worth it... come on
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toUY_mvzsCs]YouTube - buyer beware 3 smoking lung cancer, Creative Commons 2.5 license, by V. O'Flynn[/ame]

fuck cigarettes

...roll your own :D

webcam pic ftw.
Yeah man...I totally agree.
I'm pro fuck, pro fucking fitness=))
If you smoke...mothafuckas you run out of air I bet!
Think about what you put in your lungs..
I'm a smoker and I'll bet you a $100 I can run further and faster than you on any day and I'll smoke immediately before and after. Hell I may just smoke one during :zzwhip:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k-lpvkR3r0]YouTube - Bill Hicks Quitting Smoking[/ame]
Yeah man...I totally agree.
I'm pro fuck, pro fucking fitness=))
If you smoke...mothafuckas you run out of air I bet!
Think about what you put in your lungs..

If you are a fat ass okay. About 80-90% of the people at my gym who are in above average shape smoke regularly.
I'm a smoker and I'll bet you a $100 I can run further and faster than you on any day and I'll smoke immediately before and after. Hell I may just smoke one during :zzwhip:

Hells yeah, Eli. I smoked a cig right before and after winning my division in a BJJ tourney a few years ago. Drove my trainer nuts.
as of this coming thursday cigs will be about 7.75 here just raised the tax another whole dollar ! stiil no where near as bad as Jon has it in NYC

Marlboro lights for me
smoking while working is the best...you take the laptop outside and have a smoke while you churn out work!

On the other hand ...Marly Lights is a horribly addicting but awesome smoke!