Sleeping Pills are EVIL!

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I once took three valerian root pills (supposedly a natural sleep aid) and I had the most fucked up nightmares ever...I literally woke up screaming in a motel room, and someone called the front desk because they thought a hooker was getting murdered or something (yes, I scream like a girl)...

BTW, it's been eons since I posted here (my bad). Whats up boys and turbolapp?!?!

lol wtf. valerion root is chill man.

melatonin + valerian root + vitamin b12 combo = THE MATRIX DREAMS
at one point I tried taking valerian and it had absolutely no effect on me... maybe it works for some of you folks, but it didn't do squat for me...

I used to have pretty bad insomnia before I figured out that smoking weed would help me sleep through the night... I've also tried some different meds, but weed is the only thing I've found that lets me sleep a full night without feeling fucked up the next day... eventually I just gave up on pills and decided to stick with weed since I enjoy smoking it recreationally too...
I never take sleeping pills unless I absolutely have to.. So I needed a full night sleep for something I had to do on Friday. I took a sleeping pill at around 11pm on Thursday night. I woke up TODAY at 3pm!


1 pill - 50mg - Seroquel

Stay away from this bad boy!
Shut the Fuck Up Dumb Ass!

These days sleeping pills are highly risky to be taken. Its not at all advisable to take such pills under any circumstances. Be it any reason, nobody is aware of its side effects until and unless consumed.

take care


These days sleeping pills are highly risky to be taken. Its not at all advisable to take such pills under any circumstances. Be it any reason, nobody is aware of its side effects until and unless consumed.

take care


Good luck bro
38 hours? Seriously? Will be adding seroquel to my list of things to stay far, far away from.
He must be joking, Attention grabber or some kind of poor soul who nobody gives a hoot to (sleeping that long without any interruption from friends or family members!!???).
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