Sleeping Pills are EVIL!

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I used to work crazy shifts when I worked for a Hospital. So when ever I would need to get home and crash so I could do it all over again the next day, I discovered a formula.

As soon as I walked in the door I would pour a normal size glass of wine. I would chill for a few minutes as I drank the wine. As soon as I was done I would take a hot shower. Man after that I could not get in my bed fast enough as I was a sleepy SOB. I would be out soon after my head hit the pillow.

Since I was not on any meds I woke up easily.
How much do you weight and did you eat anything metabolism of that shit sket unless your doctor gave you a prescription. I usually take a hit of herione and sleep like a baby. And for a good pick me up a get snork of PCP always gets you ready for the morning
I never take sleeping pills unless I absolutely have to.. So I needed a full night sleep for something I had to do on Friday. I took a sleeping pill at around 11pm on Thursday night. I woke up TODAY at 3pm!


1 pill - 50mg - Seroquel

Stay away from this bad boy!

oh, that's long time
surprised nobody mentioned that sooner...

I've smoked a ton of weed today and I'm already pretty sleepy... I know I'll sleep good tonight :)


I sleep infinitely better if I burn some bowls like an hour or two before I decide to hit the sack.

Clears my head and just puts me right out.
Dude you're seriously sleep deprived. Try less caffeine during the day to see if it becomes easier to sleep.

Easy to hit the coffee Early - Red Bull 10 pm - Coca Cola Lunch - Then more coffee thing and cant figure out why you cant sleep.
How did you feel when you awoke mate?

Drowsy or Alert?

Took me all day to shake it off.. Definitely drowsy.

As far as I can remember I woke up once to take a piss, and getting to the bathroom was more like a zero-fail mission than a simple task. I'll just stick to a half or quarter tab next time, if I ever even use it again. Keep it in reserve for those 3-4 days of no sleep times.

I admit, the dreams were FUCKING AWESOME. Reminds me a lot of sleeping with a nicotine patch on. Very realistic dreams, although nowhere near as intense or mindfucked. Had the dreams been scary or fucked up, I would have flushed the rest of them for sure.
Well, never tried a sleeping pill but I really do fancy sleeping 38 hours straight!!
You must haven't slept much prior to taking it, I assume? I've been on Seroquel before (200 mg) and never had that problem.
I did the exact same thing years ago and still remember it today because it freaked me out so much.

I took a pill on the night of 07/03/2000 and woke up on July 5th at about 2am when I heard fireworks going off. I came upstairs and my roommates were surprised to see me, because they thought I had left town a few days earlier.

Short story: I don't take sleeping pills anymore.
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