Sleeping Pills are EVIL!

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I never take sleeping pills unless I absolutely have to.. So I needed a full night sleep for something I had to do on Friday. I took a sleeping pill at around 11pm on Thursday night. I woke up TODAY at 3pm!


1 pill - 50mg - Seroquel

Stay away from this bad boy!

be careful with those kind of pills. Seroquel is supposed to treat bipolar deppresion
whoa. seroquel doesnt make u sleep that long...i know someone who took 200mg a day and barely got 8 hours...
woa woa woa...Thursday night-----> Saturday mid day. im guessin the extra sleep didnt help you with what you needed to do friday, lol.
I used to make kooloquel (50mg Seroquel+ koolaid) and it's good for days of sedation.

Yes, it's a serious anti-psychotic and yes, it'll knock your ass out for a day. If you wake up during this time, you'll be like the walking dead.
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a sec.

You slept from THURSDAY night til SATURDAY afternoon? What the fuck?
i got mixed up with something last night that has left me feeling as vulnerable and poisoned and concerned about neural pathways as you might be feeling.

i'm taking a break from anything but alcohol.

word of advice hydrate, hydrate and hydrate and eat some greasy food.
2.5mg sublingual melatonin never fails to knock me out. swallowing it never did anything for me. have to let it dissolve under your tongue.
Fuck, some of you guys take some scary-sounding shit.

BTW, 38 hours is a long time to sleep but I've slept for ~30 before so it's not unheard of. And that sleep wasn't even drug-induced, I was just tired as fuck from working for a couple of days straight.

Anyway, melatonin works great but if you're into fitness/working out/bodybuilding then take a look at ZMA. I've been taking it for years and it helps my sleep TREMENDOUSLY. Basically, its a blend of shit that you're already supposed to be getting but it also helps make your sleep more productive.

When I'm forced to go without it I can really feel the difference in my day.
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