Should a BST thread really be that cheap?

Raise BST Thread Price?

  • Make it $500

    Votes: 23 39.0%
  • Raise it only slightly

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Keep it at $36

    Votes: 29 49.2%

  • Total voters
raising the price will limit options to the consumer, which brings the question up as "should wicked fire even be concerned about choices to the consumer" as well.

All i i know is this the only forum I hang out on, and I buy all my BST services here with a small exception to fiverr. I personally like some of the lower end, cheap, indian, bad quality links sold on here to build up tier 2 and 3 sites as well as indexing.

The BST zombie thread is back, and it's screaming through the streets in search of brains. This topic just won't die until changes are made in the way BST is structured.

For the umpteenth time, I suggest a premium vendors' section. The lords and masters of this site made positive noises regarding this idea, but haven't implemented. I suggest charging vendors who wish to be included in this section a nominal fee of... let's say $20... to be included. Of course, their status as quality vendors could always be revoked. Their threads should always remain open for continuous feedback.

Let the riff-raff new vendors continue paying a fee. Once they have enough rep, they could move into the elite area.

The above suggestions would help WF members find the quality services their looking for without guesswork. It will always enable new vendors to establish themselves here.

This will finally kill the BST zombie. :glowingeyes_sml:

$20? Lol.

Maybe $500 as a one-off fee to get an "accredited provider" or something button under their name, and to post their threads in a special forum.

That'd work well. You just do what they do on BHW then, where a moderator/someone "trusted" reviews a product before they can be accredited.

It'd work well for everyone, better quality in WF marketplace & more money for good service providers.

You can still have a BST forum then for basically what is all the "cheap crap".
Define "good service provider"

Yes I am serious

A service provider that:

  1. Delivers what was promised within the timeframe promised (so e.g. 1000 blog comments within 7 days = just that).. Many service providers are crap with time management
  2. If they say e.g. you get 50 web 2.0's written in good English.. Ensure they deliver that, if it's clear that it's Indian "Inglish", then that's obviously a missold, etc.

They're pretty much the 2 main things, that can easily be checked by a mod/someone else. People that have a history of disappearing for a month or whatever and not replying to people don't get accredited.. People that don't deliver on their promises, etc..

It's a qualitative thing that you can't really quantify. The buyer should know themselves what "works" and what doesn't, so far as service 'types' go. You just want to make sure that as a buyer you are getting what the sales person promised, within the time promised.

It helps people which are rushed for time / cba to spend an entire day going through the BST threads reading long sales pitches, tons of reviews, etc.. To find out if someone will deliver what they promise on time.
WaFo charges $40 per thread and again $40 for each bump. Does it make it better?
A service provider that:

  1. Delivers what was promised within the timeframe promised (so e.g. 1000 blog comments within 7 days = just that).. Many service providers are crap with time management
  2. If they say e.g. you get 50 web 2.0's written in good English.. Ensure they deliver that, if it's clear that it's Indian "Inglish", then that's obviously a missold, etc.

They're pretty much the 2 main things, that can easily be checked by a mod/someone else. People that have a history of disappearing for a month or whatever and not replying to people don't get accredited.. People that don't deliver on their promises, etc..

It's a qualitative thing that you can't really quantify. The buyer should know themselves what "works" and what doesn't, so far as service 'types' go. You just want to make sure that as a buyer you are getting what the sales person promised, within the time promised.

It helps people which are rushed for time / cba to spend an entire day going through the BST threads reading long sales pitches, tons of reviews, etc.. To find out if someone will deliver what they promise on time.

Okay well good; I'd agree with those. I was slightly worried that a good service provider was being equated with "one who produces results!"

However if this is the case, then how does paying $500 to get a special tag by your name prove you're a good service provider? I mean, I thought that's what itraders are for (though I suppose maybe we should have separate "buy" and "sell" ratings).
Well, stop beating around the bush then, just ban indians.... problem solved
Okay well good; I'd agree with those. I was slightly worried that a good service provider was being equated with "one who produces results!"

However if this is the case, then how does paying $500 to get a special tag by your name prove you're a good service provider? I mean, I thought that's what itraders are for (though I suppose maybe we should have separate "buy" and "sell" ratings).

Well they'd be posting in a separate forum for one thing, a "featured listings" forum or something along those lines, perhaps with different rules from the standard area. (i.e. more exposure to BST sellers), which is how it benefits them.

You also can't filter posts in the B/S/T by iTraders as far as I'm aware.

Not to mention that iTraders could be in the result of things they've done in the past, or as a buyer, etc.. There's plenty of people with good iTraders who go on random disappearing acts for example.
I like that it sucks so bad, I'm less likely to buy anything in there and more likely to not get my shit slapped. Current orders excluded from above commentary.
If you are having trouble differentiating the low quality services from the high quality services then you are a fucking dumbass and it is your own fault.

As far as BST pricing goes, why not do it based on the cost of the service provided?

Slanging $10 bookmark submissions? Pay $30.
Slanging $100 private blog network posts? Pay $300.

This way you have to make sure your opening sales thread post is top notch (backed with testimonials, faqs, and nice shiny images). You are also alot more committed to providing a quality service and stellar customer support.