Shoemoney is my Hero

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Link to the Biz-ait. You people have a really bad ear/eye for a little something called sarcasm. Or irony. Depending on your preference.

Makes you wonder what would happen if you named all the greatest leaders ever and included people like Hitler and Stalin. And then promised to give away a free mac to the greatest Stalin fan. And then had pictures of you torturing kittens.

Now that's a linkbait.

Makes you wonder what would happen if you named all the greatest leaders ever and included people like Hitler and Stalin. And then promised to give away a free mac to the greatest Stalin fan. And then had pictures of you torturing kittens.

Now that's a linkbait.

Not a bad idea.
so um - so a 33% rating might be low but the senators and congressmen have a lower approval rating like around the low 20's so....
no man is perfect and Bush has his flaws but thank god we don't have gore or kerry!
kaveman - do you remember that trany I sent you? she/he was all over you for like an hour and you were cool with it, either don't get so drunk next time or decide if you like men or women! we here at WF will not judge you just pick a team!
we will make fun of you though!
kaveman - do you remember that trany I sent you? she/he was all over you for like an hour and you were cool with it, either don't get so drunk next time or decide if you like men or women! we here at WF will not judge you just pick a team!
we will make fun of you though!

:repuke:All i can do is hope to God your fucking joking! Ass! I do remember dancing with some girls there, at least i couldv'e sworn they were girls:anon.sml:
You can accuse him of link bait or not, either way, I agree with him about George W Bush. I can't stand liberals, and I show my support by donating a lot of money to the USO to help out our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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