Shoemoney is my Hero

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
George Bush - Great President Or Greatest President Ever? - ShoeMoney™

That is the greatest thing I've ever seen. Allow me to translate...

Kyle's interpretation of Shoemoney's post said:
Fuck anybody who gave me flack over giving credit to the soldiers who defend the freedom of our country. I'm not going to censor myself on my own fucking blog, a bunch of you liberal fucking hippies don't agree with my beliefs. So what do you homos think?... just a great president, or greatest president ever?


:thumbsup: to him for having the balls to stand up for what he believes, and not censor himself because his beliefs may not be popular.

Shoe's blog seems to have gone downhill in the past six months. It needs more indepth commentary and analysis.

Bush is a mediocre president. He started strong after 911 and the initial invasion of Iraq but now the war/occupation has gone on much too long.
From rebuilding our country post 911 to making Iraq the 51st state (unofficially).

Fuck... if Iraq is the 51st state, that means 100,000 American civilians have been killed in the war. That's like a new 9/11 every month. Go Bush!
This thread will go to shit if it turns into a discussion about Bush

Ontopic - link bait? could be, but if thats what he believes then props to him for speaking his mind.
yeah it's link bait.

I didn't realize kyleirwn was indicating that it was link bait.
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