Shoemoney is hot

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Shoemoney used to be fat until an incident in 2007 when he ate his Elite Retreat partner Lee Dodd. The final Elite Retreat show of last year was cancelled after Lee Dodd was eaten and shoemoney was put on the slimfast diet by the court.
my first time back on the forum in months and i see this??? good god. that is f-ing disgusting.
So we are meant to feel sorry for burgermoney because he ate until he nearly killed himself and then decided to get surgery because he didn't want to die, i like how one of the first solids he ate was taco bell cheese after the surgery that is great, old habits die hard eh should have been on the tuna with no carbs.

If he had done this by working out then i would say fair play but he had to have his cake and eat it too.

You should have taken a leaf out of this guys book burgermoney.
what I dont get: why is a (self claimed) multi millionaire marketing himself as this gay skinhead figure all around the internet?
revenue from the blog? if his checks aren't fake he can shit on blog revenues
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