Shoemoney is hot

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Transforming your body isn't an easy thing that's for sure.

What are you guys talking about? He got weight loss surgery. It's not that hard to lose weight when you physically can't fit more than 2 bites of a sandwich in your body.

And that's the thing I don't get- why get weight loss surgery, but not get the excess skin cut off if you have the money to do it? He says it was all about health and he doesn't care about the appearance or whatever- but then why have a before and after picture... and be flexing your guns in the after? Seriously. Anybody can get the attention they crave on the internet.
Yikes! Being proud of weight loss by transforming yourself is one thing, but why would you show yourself to the world without a shirt on?
He basically looks like a sack. You can get weightloss surgery but then if all you do is eat Taco Bell and sit at a desk you are going to look like shit.
Whatever. Good for him for him for getting healthier.

I seriously doubt he's intending to enter any beauty pagents in the near future.
Getting that excess skin cut off would look horrendous as well. I saw pics of some guy who lost an equivalent or more amount of weight, and the scars were awful.
Moral of all this....don't get fat.

Props to shoe for losing all that weight, though. He'll live a lot longer now.
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