Shoemoney calls out barman to fight at ASW


New member
Oct 5, 2010
ShoeMoney to Fight Barman At ASW for charity?


Is this for real!? Why does Shoe get so pissed off at Barman every now and then

I will not require Barman to make a certain weight. I am well aware he is much larger than I am.

Lol'd hard at that line.
All I have to say is, barman brought this upon himself.

I don't know why people don't talk on WickedFire like they would in real life.

to be honest, i don't know why he's mad at me. while i break his balls, i kind of take it easy on him. shit, Rob Hustle did a song for his 'system' (not like i'm rob hustle's agent or anything but i did have to nudge hustle to do it)

i want so bad to ignore this link baiting whore. so so bad.

but at the same time, every time i think about it, it just infuriates me. i fill red with rage and i want to smash his face in.

fuck a debate. fist fight.

(no but seriously a debate? what is this, model UN?)