Shittiest Job Ever

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New member
Aug 19, 2007
Today I started working on taxes, and decided to take a deeper look into the financial section of my file cabinet to remember the things I had to drag myself through to get to where I am now. More specifically, all the Jobs that paid shitty and sucked even harder.

Like when I had to work at Quiznos for $6.15 an hour. Although I can't really complain because had I started working 2 days later I would have had to clean the box in the female restroom, but that was reserved for the newest member of our "team". If you don't know what the box is, don't ask. I had nightmares for 3 days.

Or when I sold Home Security Systems door to door. Have you ever seen the look on someone's face when they realize the nice man in front of them is about to try and and get them to sign a 36 month contract that will end up costing them $1,000? Well, for obvious reasons, they aren't happy.

Anybody have any other winners worth mentioning?


start with a room full of 4-5 yr olds then get back to me

u have no idea
Or when I sold Home Security Systems door to door. Have you ever seen the look on someone's face when they realize the nice man in front of them is about to try and and get them to sign a 36 month contract that will end up costing them $1,000? Well, for obvious reasons, they aren't happy.

Anybody have any other winners worth mentioning?


Haha, I had that job too, for about 2 weeks. Fun stuff. :repuke:
One time I had to clean shit off the floor of a Quizno's I worked at because some lady shit her pants. Oh yea, the store was packed during lunch and about fifty people witnessed me doing it. Embarassing as hell.
I worked in the food biz for many years, I have done all that crazy shit. People missing the toilet and vomiting or shitting on the wall - I don't really get how you get shit on the wall!

I would never clean the box(s) in the female rest rooms, I'd make a female go do it because I'm ready to miss the toilet and vomit on the wall after that.

My fondest memory comes from seeing and elderly person trip over one of our parking blocks and totally fuck up her face and shoulder. Blood everywhere.
My shitty jobs:

Worked at K-mart for a few years as a teen. Actually it wasn't so bad, cause a lot of the people that worked there were cool.

I was a telemarketer for like 3 days before I quit.

I once went to a "Vector Marketing" presentation.... i didn't actually work for them, but what a waste of a day.

I was a cook at Denny's. I quit that shit after 2 weeks... I couldn't take it and haven't eaten there since.
I managed a 24 hour ISP tech support staff of 26 people.

I still wake up screaming from nightmares about the scheduling.
"I once went to a "Vector Marketing" presentation.... i didn't actually work for them, but what a waste of a day."

hahaa... i went to one as well.
Wtf is with Quiznos? I worked at one for about six months. The management was terrible and I was doing around 50 hours a week, basically doing their jobs. I caught a couple of retarded girls that worked there cleaning the tube container things that condiments were stored in with the same long brush that we used to clean the toilets with. Mmm mm, toasty.

I've pretty much worked on all sides of the spectrum, from cleaning garbage cans with people who couldn't speak english to being the office manager at an engineering firm. Anyone who tells you they're an office actually means "glorified secretary."

Yeah, good times. I'm pretty sure this industry is a lot better than all of the above.
I cut 50 pound bags of onions into onions rings at $4.25/hour for a Drive-In when I was 14.

Bagger and Carryout at a grocery store.

Cart Attendant at Target.

Worked in Food Service.

Cashier at a gas station.

Warehouse worker at a furniture store.

Tech Support for MicronPC.
Yep I went to one as well. I felt so proud when the manager called me in the back room to say that "I don't know about the others out there, but I noticed a natural marketing instinct in you, and I'd like to offer you the job today."

I was like 17...n00b.

"I once went to a "Vector Marketing" presentation.... i didn't actually work for them, but what a waste of a day."

hahaa... i went to one as well.
Although I'm tempted to say that my job working at a telemarketing firm was 'shittier' than the 6 months I spent working at burger joint, I don't think I can really call any job "shitty." When I look back at all the jobs I've held, they hold some lessons and experiences which help me on my road to maturity. If anything, positive or negative, they were building blocks of my current attitude.
I work on a lobster boat.

Every morning when I lift the cover off of the bait box I puke my guts out.
Right now the air temp is so cold ice forms on my beard.
The Red Fish we use as bait feels like a Tetanus shot when it stabs me in the hand, it happens half a dozen times a day.
My hands are so swollen by days end I can't tie my shoes nor type.
Today we had freezing rain, 10ft seas, 25 knot sucked.
There are No other jobs around, which is why I work online.

Fuck you Pussies!

I work on a lobster boat.

Every morning when I lift the cover off of the bait box I puke my guts out.
Right now the air temp is so cold ice forms on my beard.
The Red Fish we use as bait feels like a Tetanus shot when it stabs me in the hand, it happens half a dozen times a day.
My hands are so swollen by days end I can't tie my shoes nor type.
Today we had freezing rain, 10ft seas, 25 knot sucked.
There are No other jobs around, which is why I work online.

Fuck you Pussies!


I have respect for you. I've been topside ~40 miles off the coast of Greenland in January in 15 foot seas.

I'm an ex-submariner. If someone wants to talk shitty jobs, I can hang with the best of them. Try having a shitty job that you can't fucking escape for months on end because YOU'RE STUCK IN A TUBE UNDERWATER.
My previous shitty jobs don't sound so bad when I see what some other people do.....


and here I though you cleaned the whack-off booths at the local sex shop with your tounge - only pleasant dreams

Yeah but we were talking about shitty jobs so I didn't mention it.

P.S. That tight little of chihuahua of yours tastes even better.
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