Shittiest Job Ever

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Or when I sold Home Security Systems door to door. Have you ever seen the look on someone's face when they realize the nice man in front of them is about to try and and get them to sign a 36 month contract that will end up costing them $1,000? Well, for obvious reasons, they aren't happy.

Anybody have any other winners worth mentioning?


When you guys did that did you research the police reports and make these little certificates that said " 8100 Elm St Robbery ( Yesterday's date)"? And tell me that if I didnt buy your shit " I didn't care if someone broke in and murdered my children."?

Try working in surgery.

Cleaning blood (and other stuff) off surgical instruments, after standing in the peration room for 8 hours or more.

You have not lived unless you held a slowly warming bowl while someone pukes / bleeds/ pees / shits into it.

When you guys did that did you research the police reports and make these little certificates that said " 8100 Elm St Robbery ( Yesterday's date)"? And tell me that if I didnt buy your shit " I didn't care if someone broke in and murdered my children."?

I made sure to hit neighborhoods with lots of recent burglaries. After experimenting it worked better printing out a map and using different colored dots depending on how long ago the burglaries were, and stars for homicides.

Customer: What are the stars for?
Me: Homicides.
Customer: Could you explain your offer again, please?
Me: Can I come in?
Customer: Sure.


I was young, scrappy, and greedy. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 on pressure sales.

Worked on a truck delivering fucking milk in Queens. Had to be there at 4am, wheelin handcarts of crates in and out of buildings all day. The metal cart dug into the whole upper half of my body and i went home completely black and blue. Couldn't move for like 2 days. I also hung xmas lights 50 feet high, climbing trees with no ladder with other dudes like a bunch of monkeys...had a branch break on my 1st day and almost plummeted to my death. That's when I decided I should work online.
Worked on a truck delivering fucking milk in Queens. .

I delivered newspaper in Queens. me and my friend picked up 800 newspaper around 2am and need to delivered everything by 6am. We only have one car so i have to do it on feet. I need to steal shopping cart from supermarket every night so i don't have to carry hundred of newspaper on my shoulder.

I have to deal with crazy cat lady (it is fucking creepy when you see someone stray around the hallway at 4am) and people who can't sleep (always yell like crazy if i am late).

It is the worse when it rain, my body is soaking wet..but i still need to keep the paper dry..
I've only had 1 real job and it was at fry's electronics. It sucked cause I had to do everything. cashier, carry out, janitor, cust serv, etc

all for $8... .___.
In Oregon we just have a lot of mills so most of my teen jobs were doing that. Most mill jobs suck balls.
I was also a groundskeeper.
during college i was a rock climbing instructor (fun as hell actually) and a protester for hire (best job ever).
worked a lot of retail after that. never did any food service.

I really feel for people who do fast food though, thats why i'm always nice as hell to the person preparing my food.
That, and the fact that you don't want any "special sauce" with your food.

In Oregon we just have a lot of mills so most of my teen jobs were doing that. Most mill jobs suck balls.
I was also a groundskeeper.
during college i was a rock climbing instructor (fun as hell actually) and a protester for hire (best job ever).
worked a lot of retail after that. never did any food service.

I really feel for people who do fast food though, thats why i'm always nice as hell to the person preparing my food.
I will tell you all one great piece of advice. Although I have a great deal of patience for stupid/rude customers, not everyone does. Never, EVER, fuck with people that handle your food - that is unless you want to get sick or whatnot. It does, and will happen to you if you fuck with the wrong people. This comes from 7 years in the restaurant biz. I have personally only fucked with peoples food a handful of times and only once REALLY bad. But that fucker deserved it really, really bad. That's the advise I give everyone, because some people don't really give a shit for the shit wage they are making. I could blog about it all day, but won't. Just think about that the next time you ream some kids ass out as a fast foot joint. If you a big enough ass/bitch you WILL get it.

Deal with it.
I will tell you all one great piece of advice. Although I have a great deal of patience for stupid/rude customers, not everyone does. Never, EVER, fuck with people that handle your food - that is unless you want to get sick or whatnot. It does, and will happen to you if you fuck with the wrong people. This comes from 7 years in the restaurant biz. I have personally only fucked with peoples food a handful of times and only once REALLY bad. But that fucker deserved it really, really bad. That's the advise I give everyone, because some people don't really give a shit for the shit wage they are making. I could blog about it all day, but won't. Just think about that the next time you ream some kids ass out as a fast foot joint. If you a big enough ass/bitch you WILL get it.

Deal with it.

True Dat! Haha, when I was 15 I worked in fast food...there was an ex-con working the grill and we had just closed shop when a big family full of fatasses came through the driveway and ordered like 6 Big Macs or something. Needless to say that suave ex-criminal wasn't about to cook new he pulled every one of those beef patties straight out of the trash. Another good point - Don't ever get food from a restaurant that is just closing down. I also bartended at this restaurant in Brooklyn, where you had to meet the minimum age of 85 to get in :) This old hag started yelling at me cuz I didnt know this drink recipe from like 1922 that reminded her of her lost youth...and she wanted "crushed" ice. I told her she can have regular cubed ice, and she insisted that I crushed it. So I went to make the drink and then "had to changed the radio station" and hocked a nice one in there for her. Hope it brought her long lost youth back. Fuck our customers were so old, it was common place to come into work and find out which customers had died....ugh.
True Dat! Haha, when I was 15 I worked in fast food...there was an ex-con working the grill and we had just closed shop when a big family full of fatasses came through the driveway and ordered like 6 Big Macs or something. Needless to say that suave ex-criminal wasn't about to cook new he pulled every one of those beef patties straight out of the trash. Another good point - Don't ever get food from a restaurant that is just closing down. I also bartended at this restaurant in Brooklyn, where you had to meet the minimum age of 85 to get in :) This old hag started yelling at me cuz I didnt know this drink recipe from like 1922 that reminded her of her lost youth...and she wanted "crushed" ice. I told her she can have regular cubed ice, and she insisted that I crushed it. So I went to make the drink and then "had to changed the radio station" and hocked a nice one in there for her. Hope it brought her long lost youth back. Fuck our customers were so old, it was common place to come into work and find out which customers had died....ugh.

Wow dude, I know what it feels like to work at fast food, closing in 2 minutes, and having a family of fat-asses come in. It sucks, and pisses everyone off, which isn't a good thing for the customer.

The worst thing I have probably done was dropped patty on the ground, picked it up, and put it on the burger because I didn't have any extra meat on.
True Dat! Haha, when I was 15 I worked in fast food...there was an ex-con working the grill and we had just closed shop when a big family full of fatasses came through the driveway and ordered like 6 Big Macs or something. Needless to say that suave ex-criminal wasn't about to cook new he pulled every one of those beef patties straight out of the trash. Another good point - Don't ever get food from a restaurant that is just closing down. I also bartended at this restaurant in Brooklyn, where you had to meet the minimum age of 85 to get in :) This old hag started yelling at me cuz I didnt know this drink recipe from like 1922 that reminded her of her lost youth...and she wanted "crushed" ice. I told her she can have regular cubed ice, and she insisted that I crushed it. So I went to make the drink and then "had to changed the radio station" and hocked a nice one in there for her. Hope it brought her long lost youth back. Fuck our customers were so old, it was common place to come into work and find out which customers had died....ugh.

Yeah, but after all...
You did find your true love amongst the customers.

Yeah, people just think your just going to keep fresh food on even when your dead late at night. I would never go somewhere that was about to close for the night and get food, unless I know their track record or can see them make it. I do suspect though that if you just ask what you can get that won't be fucked with, I think most people would tell you the truth.
Farva: Give me a double bacon cheeseburger.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Double baco cheeseburger. It's for a cop.
Farva: What the hell's that all about? You gonna spit in it now?
Dimpus Burger Guy: No, I just told him that so he makes it good.
[into mic]
Dimpus Burger Guy: Don't spit in that cop's burger.
Farva: Yeah, thanks.
Second Dimpus Guy: Roger, holding the spit.
Farva: Gimme a pie... apple.
Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to hold the spit? Hah, just kidding officer Farva.
Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?
Farva: Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?
Dimpus Burger Guy: It's only 25 cents, and look how much more you get.
Thorny: Look, kid, he doesn't want it.
Farva: I can handle this, Thorn. I don't want it!
Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?
Farva: Gimme a litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: What?
Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o' cola.
Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?
Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?
Farva: I don't want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola!
Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don't know what that is!
Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for...
[grabs burger kid by shirt]
Farva: ... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!
kinda like this
Went to college to be a teacher - got to my student teaching gig and hated it. So I decided to work in the restaurant I worked through college for a bit more - realized being poor sucked - so I went to work for a plumbing company.

I was a plumber for 10 years - other than the lobster guy I've got you all beat. I've had shit water dumped on me, had to be nice to people in the ghetto (who didn't deserve it), had to be nice to crazy people (cat lady), worked for years on call 24/7.

It isn't like the porn movies at all :( Hell in 10 years the only thing close was the man who answered the door with no pants (or underwear).

Wonder why I work on-line now. I made great money doing what I did before but it wasn't fun, clean, or something you want to do your whole life.... that's for sure.
LOL nachoninja. I still use the ol 'no spit on that cops food' line when a cop comes in. Some people get it, some people don't.
As for all those who advise you to "be nice to your food people" ..YES!!

Also in that vein: "Be nice to your nurse."

They decide if you get another painkiller, remember that.
You think the doc decides that? Ya, right.

I managed a 24 hour ISP tech support staff of 26 people.

I still wake up screaming from nightmares about the scheduling.

Ha - I used to work as a net admin for a small ISP. If you've got anything to do with the ISP world, you literally end up with no life - stuff continually breaks, customers are always complaining, etc, etc no matter what you do. So I totally agree...

I used to work for Discount Tire when I was younger, though it generally wasn't sucky job because the people ruled, just changing tires in 120F Phoenix during the summers was the sucky part...
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