Selling Blog Posts On Good Looking Aged Websites | PR1-4 and Different IP's

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10 high blog posts were delivers in ~4 hours. Content was okay and all anchor text was correct. PR of the blogs was good. All blogs looked unique. Great service and definitely use again. Not much to add to the above review but a great service.
I'll take a discounted review. PM me please.

We have received your order and your report will be sent shortly!


10 high blog posts were delivers in ~4 hours. Content was okay and all anchor text was correct. PR of the blogs was good. All blogs looked unique. Great service and definitely use again. Not much to add to the above review but a great service.

Thanks you for your review!

Look forward to more orders!

Report: Delivery was very quick, within a day. Had a spelling error in one of the keywords but was promptly fixed within half a day. Excellent support and followup. Report is a PDF, would have preffered in an Excel speahsheet for easy copy and pasting. All permalinks/PR of domain there.

Quality: Tiltle of blogs post are good with keyword in that. Articles, while unique. Articles themselves are pretty much unreadble miss masshes of sentences. For a human reader bad, for SEO purposes, its actually quite decent! Over 700 words, with the anchors in body, and some relevent keywords (and few non-relevant keywords too). This is pretty good for the money! 100% Copyscaped pass.

Already 5/5 are indexed. I expect all of them to be able to index thanks to the PR blog and unique content of each.

SERP movement?
1st kw: I had dropped from pos 1 to 2 previously, this helped boost it back to #1
2nd kw: Movement from #3 to #2. Had some help from BuildMyRank though.


Overall a very good budget service for High PR blogpost, with a special but affordable way of getting unique articles.
Just got my report back, here's my review:

Speed: Awesome. Got my report within 5 hours of ordering.

Communication: Also good. Communication was quick, no problems here.

Quality: Well, first off, the posts are very good length, 700+ words to each post. All my links were intact, and the best part about the links is that he varies the position of the links. This is a very good feature. The actual quality of the article is pretty much unreadable, but for SEO purposes it should be fine.

SERP Results: Too early to tell - none of the posts have been indexed yet.

All in all this is a good service and I would recommend it. The only suggestion I could give to kakucis is maybe add a picture or two to the posts, but this is a very small thing.
Overall a very good budget service for High PR blogpost, with a special but affordable way of getting unique articles.

Thanks positive and detailed review!

Checked how many indexed is today and already found 8/10, so all will be indexed shorty. We are sure about that as we are using this network for our own projects ;)

All in all this is a good service and I would recommend it. The only suggestion I could give to kakucis is maybe add a picture or two to the posts, but this is a very small thing.

Thanks for great review!

Picture is good idea to make blogs look more natural. We will take this thing into consideration. Thanks for suggestion!

We are currently running special 30 blog post promo, please PM me for more details!
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