Scrapebox Mass Blog Commenting Service - up to 12,000 Guaranteed links

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Sure, you can get too many links at once. I don't claim to monitor anyone's link building strategies, you are responsible for knowing how much is too much.

One nice thing abou blog comments is they are most generally held for moderation. So if you do 5000 links and they mostly hit moderation, the 5000 links will show up typically over a 3+ week period. Plus Google doesn't crawl every site every day, so it could be a week or two after that before they hit the engines, so thats spread over potentially a 4-5 week time frame or more.

Secondly getting tons links isn't bad. Engines love viral topics, if you understand the simulation of SEO and you simulate all other areas efficiently you could certainly appear as viral and 5000 links in a couple of days could be a healthly thing. Again, a tool is only as good as its master, and its up to the purchaser to understand what they need and when they need it. I just sell gas, I don't drive your car for you.

I personally have not had any domains penalized for getting too many links too quick. I wouldn't reccommend registering a new site and then turning around and ordering the 12,000 link pack unless you really understand what that is going to do to your site and are prepared to use that to your advantage.

As for slowing things down, I don't necessarily have a set method that would deliver it over time persay. I can, if you like, just work on your project from time to time when I have some free time in between orders or something like that. That would obviously delay reports and that sort of thing, but if you would like that I can do it for you.

Thank you for your answer. I will talk with my JV partner and check first with him but we'll probably order your service.

Loopine has been providing me with these links for 5 or 6 months. I didn't know he was going to open up a thread for service.

He has always delivered above what was offered. It's been a good value with the serp movement for the keywords I have had him build links.

I have a copy of scrape box and placed another order with him this week.

Thanks for the plug James! I appreciate your business.

Thank you for your answer. I will talk with my JV partner and check first with him but we'll probably order your service.
You welcome mate. :)
Well its not really that much for the 6 blog types alone that sbox can do. I mean I pulled down half a million+ unique domains for wordpress from 64K keywords. Thats unique domains, filtered from 8 millions urls I harvested.

So if you took that at a very conservative acceptance rate of 1% that would be 5000 links from unique domains from wordpress on one keyword harvest run. On a still conservative 2.5% acceptance rate you would have 12,500 links... viola your at your target with wordpress alone. Mind you I don't use just wordpress and I do intend on using learning mode for these packages as well. (I don't make any guarantees to necessarily using the learning mode on any give packages/keyword combo set though.)

Hot dang! That makes you an SB guru! Haven't gotten that much urls using the program. I can only imagine how many you have in your lists.

Btw, how fast is your internet connection?
Hot dang! That makes you an SB guru! Haven't gotten that much urls using the program. I can only imagine how many you have in your lists.

Btw, how fast is your internet connection?


loopline is a guru in sb, so far i only have 3000 insteal approve blog for 3 month collect

Thanks mate, but I wouldn't consider myself a guru. Just keep plugging along and you will get it.

However I will tell you that the proxies you use to harvest are probably the biggest bottle neck I have had to deal with. (aside from server proc/ram and internet connection). So if your hardware and inet connection are good, spend some time sourcing some good private and public proxy sources to use for harvesting/posting.
Thinking about trying this out, but I'd like to see another review or two. Would you consider offering me a review copy? Thanks.
Just checking in, any updates? Thanks!

Well the truth of the matter is, I got several paid orders. So I have been balancing the paid orders with the free reviews. I am working on your order today actually. Sorry for the delay, just making sure I don't make the paying customers wait too long... Not that your not important, just business.

Thinking about trying this out, but I'd like to see another review or two. Would you consider offering me a review copy? Thanks.

Well I have actually 3 review copies given out already, I just got so many paid orders I had to start on them or I would get too far behind, so the free reviews got 2nd priority. I will have them all done shortly and have them reports and they can evaluate and post back here.

Thanks for your interest though, hopefully after the reviews are up you will have enough to evaluate.
Well the truth of the matter is, I got several paid orders. So I have been balancing the paid orders with the free reviews. I am working on your order today actually. Sorry for the delay, just making sure I don't make the paying customers wait too long... Not that your not important, just business.

Don't apologize, totally understand. If the service is attractive enough, it makes review copies redundant. Just don't like to claim reviews and then not follow thru. Congrats on successful thread!
Nice to see you providing this service now.

Have you thought of segmenting the comments by the blog's PR. eg 250 comments on blogs with domains of PR3. 250 comments on PR4 blogs etc.
I like the idea of using this service. Does anyone have any feedback yet? Would like to go with one of the larger packages and target a few url's with specific keywords. I did read your terms above but I need to see how we could work around your standard reporting methods. We would need a report for each URL/keyword. Could we purchase different packages at a discount in order to achieve our reporting goals?

4 or 5 url and one keyword/URL
Nice to see you providing this service now.

Have you thought of segmenting the comments by the blog's PR. eg 250 comments on blogs with domains of PR3. 250 comments on PR4 blogs etc.

Thanks mate. I thought of it, but given the way I am doing it doesn't work out for me to guarantee any set number of links with a certain PR. For a couple bucks extra I can provide a report sorted by PR though.

I'm interested in your 3000 links option :)

Thanks for the interest mate, I will PM you.

Sounds like something i am looking for.

Sounds good. :) I will PM you.

I like the idea of using this service. Does anyone have any feedback yet? Would like to go with one of the larger packages and target a few url's with specific keywords. I did read your terms above but I need to see how we could work around your standard reporting methods. We would need a report for each URL/keyword. Could we purchase different packages at a discount in order to achieve our reporting goals?

4 or 5 url and one keyword/URL

I have worked with James for several months, but else wise I just sent the final report for the first review package today. So hopefully they will have a chance to post back here in sometime soon. However I have several orders already and the reviews, so in time I am certain there will be plenty of feedback.

As for your reporting needs, if I understand you correctly, yes we could work out something where we could just purchase several smaller packages and pay the same price as the larger one and get separate reports. (at that point it all really works out the same, but the way I track things I need to keep them as "separate packs" just to make sure I don't intermix your reports). So yes.

However I would need to scrape keywords based on your one keyword in order to accomplish the packs. E.G. if your keyword is dog, I need a lot of related keywords to scrape the engines for. So I would scrape keywords based on dog. So I might wind up with things like:
dog breeds
dog food
dog leashes
dog flea medicine
dog shows

The more links you want, the broader I would have to go. Anyway, we can do what you want. PM me when your ready and we can discuss more detail.
Disclaimer: This was a free review copy, no money out of pocket.

Pros: Loopline seriously over delivered. I was to get 1000 links, my report has 2200. Part of this was because he wanted to make sure I got enough links quickly to meet the 1000 links promised quickly enough to leave a review but I get the feeling from talking to him that over delivery is his model.

Checked the first 10 and then 10 more randomly, all links were there. Really good use of spun comment content, just vague enough to fit 99% of sites but not so obscure to be obvious link spam. And I was looking at it from a link spammers perspective. Also, of the 20 links I checked, there were no dupe comments, or even comments from the same spin syntax, so that means his comment base syntax is large, which is a very good thing for avoiding spam filters.

Communication is top notch and he's very keen to provide this service, as well as push Scrapeboxing (yep, verbed it, suck it) to an art form, which I can greatly appreciate.

Nice variety of platforms across the links I checked, love multiple footprints in my link profiles.

Cons: Noticed one bit of spun syntax that got fubar'd and a couple of the comments were short enough that if they hadn't been hitting auto approve targets, would most likely not make it thru moderation. <-- I'm pretty much splitting hairs here, as I don't like to give reviews that look like a guru sales page. Honestly, I couldn't find much wrong at all.

Summary: If you don't use SB as part of your daily attack, grab these packages from Loopline. He's selling them way too cheap for what he delivers (even if I'd gotten 1000 instead of 2200 links) and he's obviously very good at what he does. Even if you do use SB, but you're just hitting the big 3 target platforms (WP, MT, BE) you should consider hitting this up, as diversifying your link profile is never a bad idea.

And if you're a scrapebox n00b, and you're wondering about best practices, just reverse engineering your link report he sends will give you a huge jump start. I almost wish he wasn't selling this service, because anybody motivated enough to figure out what he's doing and how can gain a ton of knowledge that took me months of trial and error to sort out.

Highly recommended, thanks for letting me review your service and looking forward to brainstorming a couple things we do differently that will be very synergistic.
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Heck, based on Grindstone's review I'm going to order the service just so I can learn some more ScrapeBox tricks. I've ordered other products (blog commenting lists) from Loopline before on another forum and they were very high quality. Looking forward to seeing what he can do with the automated comments.
I have not ordered from loop yet, I am going to thought.

This guys know his shit regarding this tool, I have been reading some of his posts on other forums and he goes out of his way to help people as well, he has help me with issues that I spent hours on trying to figure out. This my review before review. I don't see how you could go wrong using this service he is a stand up guy! ++ reps
I'm very interested. Are these DOFOLLOW links? I also might like to resell you services...will you be offering this permanently?
2 more questions for you:

1) How many anchor texts can we use for the 12,000 package?

2) For the 12,000 comment package, how many different domains will the comments come from?
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