Scrapebox Mass Blog Commenting Service - up to 12,000 Guaranteed links

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Feb 16, 2010
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I am going to assume that you already know that Scrapebox is largely used for scraping blogs and posting comments to them in order to gain links and appear like people are spreading the word about your site. If you don't know or don't understand what scrapebox is/does then you can search around here on Wicked Fire and find a wealth of information (You can also read on my website for some starter info Mass Blog Commenting Blasts). Basically I am offering Guaranteed links. I offer this same service on my website (referenced above), but here I am offering it cheaper to Wicked Fire members.

The Basics:

You give me keywords and a website to promote. I will scrape a list of related keywords using your list. Using the keywords I scrape and the keywords you give me I will scrape Google and/or other engines for blogs related to your keywords.

I will then filter out any duplicate domains, thus making sure I only comment on each blog once. I use spun comments that I create that are taylored to look like the real thing so I can ````````````````et a high acceptance rate. Each link is left with your anchor text that you provide or I can use random names or "click here" type anchors.

The Guarantee:

I guarantee the links in the package you choose. So if you choose 1000 links, then I will guarantee that after 3 weeks you will have at least 1000 links. If after 3 weeks you do not have the guaranteed links that you purchased I will do enough blasts to get you the links you purchased.


1...1000 guaranteed links $25 - limit 3 urls to be promoted

2...3000 guaranteed links $50 - limit 4 urls to be promoted

3...5000 guaranteed links $75 - limit 5 urls to be promoted

4...7000 guaranteed links $100 - limit 7 urls to be promoted

5...12,000 guaranteed links $150 - limit 12 urls to be promoted

About the Url Promotion limitations:
You can give me up to the number of urls listed for the package. Links will be distributed among those urls. The report will include all links for all urls. Meaning if you buy 1000 links and give me 3 sites, when you get the report it will list the 1000 links you got, but it will not specify for which site they are. You could of course load the site up and look, but due to time constraints its not feasable to track each url you give me for each site seperately. Also to that end if you give me 3 sites I will combine all the sites keywords when scraping and post all sites to all links.

Things to note:

*The more links you choose, the more I may have to vary from your original keywords.

*With packages 2 - 5 I may blast your links to some lists I already have, rather then blasting exclusively to filtered lists based on your keywords. I may also use trackbacks to get links in addition to regular blog comments.

*The large packages may take some time to complete

*Guaranteed links are just what I guarantee. You could recieve significantly more links then you purchase.


You will receive an initial report 2-3 days after I finish the work. You will receive a 2nd/final report 2-3 weeks after the comments are completed. The reason for the timing of the reports is that not every blog owner logs in to his blog every day. Since we are looking for moderated blogs to approve comments rather then auto approve comments it just takes time. Links will peak at 3-6 weeks. So you will typically recieve links even after you get your final report.

Secondary Services:

I also offer all of these secondary services. If you purchase any of them with above packages then you can purchase in any quantity you like. If you want to purchase these services by themeselves then there is a $5 minimum.

SERP Scraping - $1 per 5K urls you get scraped. You provide the keywords you want urls scraped for and I will scrape them and email them to you. I will remove duplicate urls and the report will be in excel or notepad format, whichever you prefer. I can only scrape a maximum of 1000 urls for each search string you give me. Meaning if you give me the keyword "car" and want wordpress and moveable type blogs scrapped. Then I can scrape max of 1000 urls for wordpress and 1000 urls for moveable type. So 2000 urls max. I can scrape urls for blog platforms or whatever you want. Anything you can search Google, Yahoo or Bing for I can scrape urls for.

Page Rank Checking - $1 per 1000 urls checked. PR will be checked from US based IP.

RSS submission - $1 per xml url that I submit to 20+ RSS aggregators.

RSS feed creation and submission. - $3 for each URL. - I will pull yahoo site explorers report of you internal crawled pages, create an XML file for your site and then either return it to you to upload to your site or upload it to one of my sites and then submit that feed to 20+ rss aggregators. *note that if you want me to host the feed I will do so free for 6 months and it will be on the same domain as other customers are on, so it its best if you upload it to your site.

***You can combine multiple services as well. So if say you wanted me to pull the first 1000 urls that link to any given site (as returned by yahoo site explorer) and then check the page rank for them I can do that. This could be handy if you wanted to try and pursue getting links from some of the high PR pages that your competition has links from. ***


Payment can be made via Paypal. You can send the money to the following address. Please include your Wicked Fire username in the payment notes, as this helps me track orders. After payment is made please email or pm me the info I need to complete your order. Email address for payment (if you can't see the below image, PM me for the address):

What I need from you:

*Anchor text(s) to be used for your links

*Your niche keywords and/or I can pull keywords for your website from google.

*URL(s) to be promoted

*Email to send reports to


*Enough patience to wait for 3 weeks while all of your links show up... :D

Review Copies:

I will give 2 review copies to any that has 300 or more posts and 7 or more itrader.

Also I will give 1 review copy to any member who has at least 100 posts and 1 itrader.

Free link checker:

If you would like a free link checker the creator of Scrapebox is kind enough to extend a free link checker to anyone. This is the same link checker that is included in the scrapebox software its self. You can download the free link checker here:
Free Link Checker - ScrapeBox

Percent of proceeds to benefit the ongoing development of scrapebox:

Scrapebox is an amazing tool. The creator has put a great deal of the past year of their life into its making and support. I have spent some good time talking to them and they have even added seveal features to scrapebox upon my request. This type of service and support is second to None! So as part of my scrapebox service 10% of the revenue from any orders placed between now and the end of 2010, will go to support the on going development of scrapebox.
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Since I clearly don't qualify for a review copy, which is shame since I read a lot I just don't spam forum with "give me review copy" crap, I will just ask you one thing before all those guy come here and start spamming with review copy requests.

You say you are experienced with this? What is your experience with getting too many links at once? Even 3-5 thousand links at once seem a lot and for 12k it seems like sure way to get penalized. What do you say about that problem? Have you had some domains penalized with this? Is there any way it can be done in few times to slow down the link building process? I am thinking of using your service so I would be greatful if you can answer.

do you mean free review copy ?
if so, i'll take this. :)

Yes, FREE is what I meant, sorry should have specified. :)

Since I clearly don't qualify for a review copy, which is shame since I read a lot I just don't spam forum with "give me review copy" crap, I will just ask you one thing before all those guy come here and start spamming with review copy requests.

You say you are experienced with this? What is your experience with getting too many links at once? Even 3-5 thousand links at once seem a lot and for 12k it seems like sure way to get penalized. What do you say about that problem? Have you had some domains penalized with this? Is there any way it can be done in few times to slow down the link building process? I am thinking of using your service so I would be greatful if you can answer.


Sure, you can get too many links at once. I don't claim to monitor anyone's link building strategies, you are responsible for knowing how much is too much.

One nice thing abou blog comments is they are most generally held for moderation. So if you do 5000 links and they mostly hit moderation, the 5000 links will show up typically over a 3+ week period. Plus Google doesn't crawl every site every day, so it could be a week or two after that before they hit the engines, so thats spread over potentially a 4-5 week time frame or more.

Secondly getting tons links isn't bad. Engines love viral topics, if you understand the simulation of SEO and you simulate all other areas efficiently you could certainly appear as viral and 5000 links in a couple of days could be a healthly thing. Again, a tool is only as good as its master, and its up to the purchaser to understand what they need and when they need it. I just sell gas, I don't drive your car for you.

I personally have not had any domains penalized for getting too many links too quick. I wouldn't reccommend registering a new site and then turning around and ordering the 12,000 link pack unless you really understand what that is going to do to your site and are prepared to use that to your advantage.

As for slowing things down, I don't necessarily have a set method that would deliver it over time persay. I can, if you like, just work on your project from time to time when I have some free time in between orders or something like that. That would obviously delay reports and that sort of thing, but if you would like that I can do it for you.

I'll take a review. As someone who punishes SB daily, I can probably give an accurate assessment of your service.

Sounds good mate, if your a experienced sbox user I am up for any constructive criticism you may have as well. I am always up for learning and improvement. :)

Pms sent for review copies.

Still have 1 review copy left for anyone that has 300 or more posts and 7 or more itrader.

Heading to bed tonite, late here.
hello.!! what kind of blog u r using, blogspot or wordpress ? r those link on the same ite ? the 12k link r they 12k different site ?
If I am qualify for your review copy. Let me know.

Yes, you are good to go. I will PM you.

PM me ur paypal when you have a review by a respected member, I'd love to buy from you

Will do and thanks for you interest!

hello.!! what kind of blog u r using, blogspot or wordpress ? r those link on the same ite ? the 12k link r they 12k different site ?

I am using self hosted wordpress | moveable type | blog engine | Expression Engine | Drupal | B2Evolution | as well as trackbacks from Wordpress blogs on some packages and possibly other platforms as I move forward and train scrapebox for them. Its generally self hosted sites, but not blogspot (at this time).

The are from 12K unique domains, and since I scrape urls for each order, I am not just posting to the same urls over and over again. Bearing in mind of course that duplicates can occur, especially when dealing with millions of urls, but generally speaking of course I minimize that effect.
^^ Read his post a couple up from you, he's using the training mode to utilize more platform types. Haven't seen the results yet but if it's working well, this alone is gold for these packages.
Well its not really that much for the 6 blog types alone that sbox can do. I mean I pulled down half a million+ unique domains for wordpress from 64K keywords. Thats unique domains, filtered from 8 millions urls I harvested.

So if you took that at a very conservative acceptance rate of 1% that would be 5000 links from unique domains from wordpress on one keyword harvest run. On a still conservative 2.5% acceptance rate you would have 12,500 links... viola your at your target with wordpress alone. Mind you I don't use just wordpress and I do intend on using learning mode for these packages as well. (I don't make any guarantees to necessarily using the learning mode on any give packages/keyword combo set though.)
Loopine has been providing me with these links for 5 or 6 months. I didn't know he was going to open up a thread for service.

He has always delivered above what was offered. It's been a good value with the serp movement for the keywords I have had him build links.

I have a copy of scrape box and placed another order with him this week.
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