Scrapebox API

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Fun stuff.

I've been working on a Ruby wrapper for it. Not too far along since I was inspired to do it while studying for finals last weekend. Would be fun to get some WF source projects on github and engage in software sharing brotherly love.
Fun stuff.

I've been working on a Ruby wrapper for it. Not too far along since I was inspired to do it while studying for finals last weekend. Would be fun to get some WF source projects on github and engage in software sharing brotherly love.

I have tons of scraping scripts that i will be putting up on github :).... Would you like me to make a portal of open source seo scripts?
A little gift before the new year.

[ame=]Scrapebox API new and improved - YouTube[/ame]

Below is the script I used in the video. It's so easy my retarded half cousin who drank paint thinners as a child could use it.

    "Commands": [
            "harverster.keywordscraper": [
                    "setkeywords": "asd"
            "urlsharvested.startharvesting": true
            "commentposter.open1": "C:\\Users\\ScapeboxAPI\\Documents\\New folder\\Names.txt",
            "commentposter.open2": "C:\\Users\\ScapeboxAPI\\Documents\\New folder\\",
            "commentposter.open3": "C:\\Users\\ScapeboxAPI\\Documents\\New folder\\dups.txt",
            "commentposter.open4": "C:\\Users\\ScapeboxAPI\\Documents\\New folder\\Comments.txt"
    "Authentication": "VFDLt<JAQsvvaU#e:MXktLCOEJZo>]Nx",
    "SessionToken": "87894654"


The pricing plan for SBAPI will be around $500 upfront, which will include the first 3 months, and then around $100 per month.

But for the version you see in the video I'm only going to charge around $100 upfront because there will be some minor bugs (there always is) that I will need to iron out.

I'm going to release this version super soon and if you buy this version you wont have to pay the $500, you only have to pay the monthly fee when I start charging for it, which wont be until the minor bugs are ironed out.

Cool beans,

Ok here it is, the long overdue beta of Scrapebox API.

This version is currently free, yes free, you deserve something for being so patient, but you will have to register on the site to activate the software.

You can download Scrapebox API from Scrapebox API

Below is a video of that runs through activation and configuring Scrapebox API and running a basic script example.

[ame=""]Scrapebox API Beta Release[/ame]

You can see a list of supported commands and script examples (including one that will go from a single keyword, scraping URLs to posting on blogs) here

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here via PM or at

Oh I forgot to mention, the minimum requirements are .NET 4, Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows XP SP3.

This version will only work with the latest version of ScrapeBox (v1.15.38).


Erm, turns out the obfuscation I was using as well as merging an assemble was causing Scrapebox API to abort without raising any error messages on some systems.

Anyway that is all fixed now, sorry for any problems that caused.

Thanks for the release! Am looking forward to trying it out.
I'm trying to run a simple script, but i'm getting a "Can't close dialog window" error.
What can I do to fix this?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the release! Am looking forward to trying it out.
I'm trying to run a simple script, but i'm getting a "Can't close dialog window" error.
What can I do to fix this?

Thanks for reporting that, turns out it's a bug, I'm working on a fix but in the mean time you can turn off "Confirm Delete" in the Options menu of ScrapeBox.

You should shut down Scrapebox API first, then turn off Confirm Delete then close ScrapeBox. Then you can restart Scrapebox API and it will be fine.

Also if you haven't already, you should download the current version from the website, it still contains the bug you reported, but it will now check for updates so it will make it easier to stay up to date.

Ok that bug is fixed, Scrapebox API now detects if Confirm Delete is enabled and acts accordingly.

For people who have downloaded Scrapebox API in the last day or so, I highly recommend updating to the current version. As I mentioned above Scrapebox API will now inform you of updates so you can keep up to date.

Ok that bug is fixed, Scrapebox API now detects if Confirm Delete is enabled and acts accordingly.

For people who have downloaded Scrapebox API in the last day or so, I highly recommend updating to the current version. As I mentioned above Scrapebox API will now inform you of updates so you can keep up to date.


Thanks a lot man. Great Job!
I've been getting this error a few times: Unable to find window in time allocated (30 seconds

There is an option under settings to adjust the timeouts. Setting them to the maximum value can help to solve the timeout issue.


By default Scrapebox API will attempt to run as fast as possible, but the speed at which ScrapeBox will respond is computer dependent, so it becomes a balancing act.

If there are still problems after adjusting the timeouts, either post or PM/email me the script your using and the commands that are failing and I'll take a look.

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