Scottish Independance

Should Scotland become independent?


    Votes: 40 59.7%
  • No

    Votes: 27 40.3%

  • Total voters

If Scotland vote independent: Send the Proddy bastards home to Glasgow, give Ulster back to the Fenians and annex Wales. Sorted.

(Hope I've offended everybody equally as per EU directives.)
So, just answer the question, yes or no?

It seems quite short sighted to me, from Scotland's perspective. We just have to make sure that independence *is* independence, rather than creating a half way house that means that the rest of the UK keeps paying their bills.

Beyond the North Sea oil, on an ongoing basis -- what, exactly, do Scotland have? Their GDP per capita when you remove North Sea oil pales in comparison to the rest of the UK.

The best thing is reading the comments on news websites. I've seen people wanting to split off the north of England and join Scotland -- seemingly with a complete lack of understanding that London and the South East subsidises their entire existence.
i really don't care what scotland do but it will destablise Northern Ireland if they become independent. Ireland can NEVER be reunited, it would be an absolute blood bath.
Interesting thoughts, I think we should vote yes because I have seen 'Braveheart' 4 times.
i really don't care what scotland do but it will destablise Northern Ireland if they become independent. Ireland can NEVER be reunited, it would be an absolute blood bath.
Man get some national pride.

The main reason I support a free and independent Scotland is because I believe it will advance the cause of a free and united Ireland.

All those prod fucks call themselves "Ulster-Scots", well what leg will they have to stand on when even Scotland isn't British anymore.

Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led;
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!

Now's the day, and now's the hour;
See the front o' battle lour;
See approach proud Edward's power—
Chains and slavery!

Wha will be a traitor knave?
Wha can fill a coward's grave!
Wha sae base as be a slave?
Let him turn and flee!

Wha for Scotland's king and law
Freedom's sword will strongly draw,
Freeman stand, or freeman fa',
Let him follow me!

By oppression's woes and pains!
By your sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!

Lay the proud usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty's in every blow!—
Let us do or die!
Doesn't matter, the women and English living here will see it doesn't happen. Fear is winning over common sense.

When the Country votes no, I'm moving to Thailand.

100% serious.
It seems quite short sighted to me, from Scotland's perspective. We just have to make sure that independence *is* independence, rather than creating a half way house that means that the rest of the UK keeps paying their bills.

Beyond the North Sea oil, on an ongoing basis -- what, exactly, do Scotland have? Their GDP per capita when you remove North Sea oil pales in comparison to the rest of the UK.

The best thing is reading the comments on news websites. I've seen people wanting to split off the north of England and join Scotland -- seemingly with a complete lack of understanding that London and the South East subsidises their entire existence.

That's quite a "beyond."

Pales in comparison with Wales and NI? Get to fuck.

And finally:

Doesn't matter, the women and English living here will see it doesn't happen. Fear is winning over common sense.

When the Country votes no, I'm moving to Thailand.

100% serious.

Agreed RE the fear part, but not sure about over common sense.

What do you think/hope will change? You will still have the Queen as head of state, want to keep the pound etc.

(Genuinely curious as the only people I've heard arguing for independence IRL are Ned-haters who blame all of societies ills on the bogeyman 'English'..)

In my opinion, the sum is greater than the parts & personally I am proud of my British (and Irish) heritage. Living in England the only thing that pisses me off about devolution generally is: West Lothian question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agreed RE the fear part, but not sure about over common sense.

What do you think/hope will change? You will still have the Queen as head of state, want to keep the pound etc.

(Genuinely curious as the only people I've heard arguing for independence IRL are Ned-haters who blame all of societies ills on the bogeyman 'English'..)

In my opinion, the sum is greater than the parts & personally I am proud of my British (and Irish) heritage. Living in England the only thing that pisses me off about devolution generally is: West Lothian question - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personally I'm quote happy to be British and part of the UK but I think it's best for Scotland for to step away from the union at this point.

The main reasons I'm voting for independence are twofold; Scotland needs to be able to control all powers currently governed by Westminster. And secondly, this will be our only realistic chance to go it alone. For the last 30 something years we've been running at a surplus to the rest of the UK, so at any point up till now Independence has been a viable option. However, in 20 years I believe Independence will be off the table because we will be running a deficit to the rest of the UK. Then we'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place, if for example, the Tories impose another Poll Tax.

Just now, with oil revenues we'll be able to invest the surplus wisely in long term projects such as renewable energy; thanks to the gulf stream we've got a unique opportunity for wind-power. But I digress... it's not an us vs. them decision for me, rather a decision to allow us to stand on our own two feet, both economically and choosing policies going forward.
English, always consider myself to be British based on affinity to the other home nations, despite not actually ever visiting any of them.

From an emotional perspective I'd feel sad if the U.K as I know it would become deconstructed and less integrated than it currently is, but from a rational/political perspective, I can't say it really bothers me or will likely impact upon my life.

I doubt Scotland will turn into the utopian society some of the Sweat Socks think it will, particularly as a lot of it seems to stem from insular, parochial, and petty nationalism rather than robust economic arguments.

Still, best of luck to them.

This little lady will always be welcome south of the border:



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Personally I'm quote happy to be British and part of the UK but I think it's best for Scotland for to step away from the union at this point.

The main reasons I'm voting for independence are twofold; Scotland needs to be able to control all powers currently governed by Westminster. And secondly, this will be our only realistic chance to go it alone. For the last 30 something years we've been running at a surplus to the rest of the UK, so at any point up till now Independence has been a viable option. However, in 20 years I believe Independence will be off the table because we will be running a deficit to the rest of the UK. Then we'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place, if for example, the Tories impose another Poll Tax.

Just now, with oil revenues we'll be able to invest the surplus wisely in long term projects such as renewable energy; thanks to the gulf stream we've got a unique opportunity for wind-power. But I digress... it's not an us vs. them decision for me, rather a decision to allow us to stand on our own two feet, both economically and choosing policies going forward.

Thanks for the reply. Playing devils advocate here:

Choosing policies going forward - Done. Devolution. (PS. How are free prescriptions and higher education working out for you? Not jealous in the slightest.. ;))

Standing on own two feet economically - aka brb running off with "my" oil revenues. Bit of a cop out, no? If we want to talk about putting in Vs taking out economically - I'm from Surrey and live in London - so by the same token, I propose a London & Home Counties free state. I mean.. Since the recession, shit got real.. There's even a pound shop on Guildford high street now :S Can you imagine!?

I gotta agree with mituozo on this one. If Scotland choose independence, fine. But it's got to be lock stock and barrel. Speaking of those oil monies, who invested in the discovery and ongoing infrastructure in the first place? What about the British Army, Royal Navy? I can't begin to imagine how messy (and expensive) it is trying to comprehend all these different factors at play. Seems counter productive to me, especially at a time when public services are taking a hit across the board.

I'm all for investing economic surplus for future prosperity's sake. But since that's not happening now, I think your kidding yourself if you believe independence will make it so..

Whatever happens, I guess at least we can all take solace in the fact we'll be united and free under Brussels.