Ron Paul Pres. Announcmnet


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Sep 4, 2008
Ron Paul is set to officially launch his presidential campaign Friday morning, a Paul source told POLITICO.

The Texas congressman will make his announcement from New Hampshire during the 7:00 a.m. hour of ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Paul is then scheduled to speak at 10:00 a.m. in Exeter, part of a two-day swing through New Hampshire following a stop in Iowa. Paul will also be keynoting the Grafton County Republican Memorial dinner on Friday night.

Paul has already taken several incremental steps toward a full-fledged campaign, most recently opening an Iowa campaign office north of Des Moines earlier this week. He also recently raked in more than $1 million during a one-day online "money bomb" ahead of the first GOP presidential debate, demonstrating the continued strength of the grassroots fundraising machine that turned heads during his 2008 campaign.

Ron Paul to launch W.H. bid Friday - Andy Barr -

Tomorrow he is finally going to officially announce his run for president 2012. Let the games begin boys.

Since Iowa is a Caucus state, he has a good chance at actually winning it. He's now polling well above Donald Trump actually.
He's now 3rd in the latest zogby poll which is a big one and the first place Chris Christie officially declared that they will not be running so that technically puts him second.
GOP Voters
Chris Christie
Herman Cain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Sarah Palin
Tim Pawlenty
Mike Huckabee
Donald Trump
Mitch Daniels
Michele Bachman
Rick Santorum
Gary Johnson
None of these
Not sure

He's been getting more media attention every day for the last month then he's gotten his entire 2008 run.
If you are not a registered Republican in your state, you need to do this in order to vote in the 2012 Primaries.
Bloomberg just called RP "the father of the Tea Party" this morning as they mentioned his announcement... I was totally freaked out. Has Paul ever been associated with those nutzoids?
Ack Gary Johnson's not doing so great, I like the guy but he shares Ron Paul's handicap with a lack of real charisma. I don't think RP has done any tea party stuff but I haven't been following any of that. He is big on cutting spending and the american empire, and is sometimes called "the taxpayers best friend" so that might be why he said that.
Bloomberg just called RP "the father of the Tea Party" this morning as they mentioned his announcement... I was totally freaked out. Has Paul ever been associated with those nutzoids?
The tea party today is not the tea party that started around Paul at the end of 2007.

Ack Gary Johnson's not doing so great, I like the guy but he shares Ron Paul's handicap with a lack of real charisma.
Ron Paul has tons of charisma, it is called authenticity, and not hyper-testosterone aggressiveness.

Paul is someone that young people respect and old people relate to. That sort of sincerity marketing can be incredibly powerful.
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Bloomberg just called RP "the father of the Tea Party" this morning as they mentioned his announcement... I was totally freaked out. Has Paul ever been associated with those nutzoids?

Paul takes the approach of other Austrians: he aligns himself with positions, not people or groups. He is also willing to use any platform to get his message out.

Some of The Tea Party's positions are consistent with Paul's positions. So, he speaks at events that draw those folks. Unfortunately, simple minds that attempt to group people together refer to him with foolish labels like "The Tea Party's Brain."*


In the picture above, Paul is actually sitting next to an old green tome (I receive the print magazine). Its title: "Human Action" by Mises. :)

Random humor break.

* Green is not simple. But he tends to cater to simple minds.

Really glad for this.

I'm not living in the US, but I'll do my best to help out in case WF is doing something to help his campaign (and also spread his ideas in my country).
i just hope they dont kill him off....they have killed off many great americans for getting rid of the FED
The tea party today is not the tea party that started around Paul at the end of 2007.

Ron Paul has tons of charisma, it is called authenticity, and not hyper-testosterone aggressiveness.

Paul is someone that young people respect and old people relate to. That sort of sincerity marketing can be incredibly powerful.

It can be powerful, and he does do all those things but it's not enough to get yourself elected president of the US without the backing of corporate cocksmokers and the Republican or Democrat nomination. I love the guy, but he's getting up there in years and this isn't the first time he's run for president.
Bloomberg just called RP "the father of the Tea Party" this morning as they mentioned his announcement... I was totally freaked out. Has Paul ever been associated with those nutzoids?

He started the tea party so to speak because RP supporters raised over 6 million dollars on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

As far as some of the loons (especially the likes of Sarah Palin etc), they are parading around spouting off RP quotes, but really have little to do with RP's beliefs. However, it is a good branding. They have lots of support and took a bunch of seats in the senate and house last election. I don't think it will hurt him at all.
Good, atleast when he runs you don't feel like you are throwing your vote away.

What drives me nuts is when you mention Ron Paul to others and they laugh at you... then when you ask them if they even know what he stands for, they don't have a clue. Unfortunately most people are sheep.
Good, atleast when he runs you don't feel like you are throwing your vote away.

What drives me nuts is when you mention Ron Paul to others and they laugh at you... then when you ask them if they even know what he stands for, they don't have a clue. Unfortunately most people are sheep.

I think that's changing. He's polling pretty strong now, including a poll that said he was most likely to beat Obama in the general election. The whole "he's unelectable" rant is going away because the media is treating him as real candidate this time around.

I don't know if it will happen, but we definitely have shot. RP is really good at defying the odds.
Im not going to pretend to be more knowledgable or knowledgable at all (due to being a lonely canadian)...

BUT-is his selection for a VP running partner going to be incredibly important? Is his age going to play a factor? As in people will want to see an exceptional VP in case something happens to him after he is elected, if he is elected?