Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

I find it tremendously amusing that people like the OP still haven't figured out that Paul never expected to get the nomination. Hell, he practically spelled out his strategy on one of this first Leno appearances at the start of the race.

This entire run is about getting as far as he can, for as long as he can, and making as much noise as he can about his Austrian Ecnonomics views and Conservative/Constitutional Libertarian principles so that more people join the movement, as well making way for support in four years for his son when he runs to actually carry out many of Paul's points.
He can finally go back to his favorite pastimes like dipping his sagging old balls in peanut butter and spending "quality time" with his golden retriever.
although paul probably realized he never was going to win, his followers have created a delusional parallel reality where he was a shoe in.
He'll lose his congressional seat if he goes 3rd party.

Also Ron Paul does win even when he loses. He's clearly influencing the Republican party in what I consider to be a good way.
He never said he was dropping out, or that he won't be the nominee. He did say that 500 delegates will not be enough to secure the nomination. Unless he says he is dropping from the race, the hardcore supporters will continue to try to win the nomination. Most of them, I don't think they are delusional, they are just committed to follow through to the end, which would be at the RNC.

Here's what he was doing just a few minutes ago at the TX convention:
suriyahfish, suriyahfish suriyahfish on USTREAM. Politics

Never said anything about packing it in. He is retiring from Congress though.
I find it tremendously amusing that people like the OP still haven't figured out that Paul never expected to get the nomination. Hell, he practically spelled out his strategy on one of this first Leno appearances at the start of the race.

This entire run is about getting as far as he can, for as long as he can, and making as much noise as he can about his Austrian Ecnonomics views and Conservative/Constitutional Libertarian principles so that more people join the movement, as well making way for support in four years for his son when he runs to actually carry out many of Paul's points.

This. The chances of him winning have always been slim. It always required a brokered convention and that went out the window when the number of candidates shrunk and he didn't have the funds to compete alone against Romney. It did look promising in the early going though and seeing him cause such a stir those first dozen states or so was great.

Obviously Paul could never come out and outwardly say he knew he wasn't going to win, but its always been about furthering the viewpoints more than anything else. With as little support as he got from the media considering this anything but a win is retarded.

Maybe in 4-8 years we will actually see a fiscal conservative who is anti war and doesn't fall in line with the church on every single social issue...maybe people will actually demand a little integrity from their candidate. Maybe I'm hoping for too much though.
who said that? i just posted news that he finally admitted he wont win.

He never said he was dropping out, or that he won't be the nominee. He did say that 500 delegates will not be enough to secure the nomination. Unless he says he is dropping from the race, the hardcore supporters will continue to try to win the nomination. Most of them, I don't think they are delusional, they are just committed to follow through to the end, which would be at the RNC.

Here's what he was doing just a few minutes ago at the TX convention:
suriyahfish, suriyahfish suriyahfish on USTREAM. Politics

Never said anything about packing it in. He is retiring from Congress though.